Managing Trustpilot Module

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Welcome to the user guide for managing the Trustpilot Module. This guide will assist you in seamlessly integrating your website with the Trustpilot review service by installing and configuring the Trustpilot Module. Follow the steps below to successfully incorporate the module.

1. Installation Process

Enhance your website's customer engagement with authentic reviews by following these installation steps for the Trustpilot Module:

  1. Access the admin area of your website.
  2. Navigate to the "App Shop" and "Store" tabs.
  3. Find the Trustpilot module version 1.0.0 using the search function.
  4. Install the module on your website.

Follow any on-screen prompts or instructions to complete the installation process.

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2. Configuring the Trustpilot Module

After successfully installing the Trustpilot Module, proceed to configure it to seamlessly integrate your website with the Trustpilot review service.

2.1. Accessing Module Settings

  1. Go to the "Modules" and "Extensions" tabs.
  2. Locate the "Trustpilot" module.
  3. Click on the “Edit” button to access its settings.
Trust edit.jpg

2.2. Enabling the Module

  • Toggle the option to enable the Trustpilot module for your website.

2.3. Trustpilot Integration Configuration

  • Use the corresponding fields to enter verified meta tags for Trustpilot integration, business username, business password, public API key, and private API secret.
  • Select the invite order status from the drop-down list.
  • Set the delay before sending invitations by entering the number of days in the corresponding field.
  • Set the sender name and email.
  • Toggle the option to select integration type (bccMail or API).
  • Toggle the option for BCC Trustpilot email (bccMail or API).
  • Enter Trustpilot token, business unit ID, and redirect URL ( in the corresponding fields.
  • You can filter orders by ot_subtotal or ot_total option, and specifying the "amount from" and "amount not above" criteria.
  • Click on the "Update" button to save your configuration.

Congratulations! You've successfully installed the Trustpilot Module, enabling you to showcase genuine customer reviews on your website. This allows potential customers to access truthful insights about the quality of your work or products.

For any further assistance or inquiries, refer to the Trustpilot Module documentation. Enjoy the benefits of enhanced customer engagement and transparency with the Trustpilot Module!