Store Locator

Store Locator

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Empower customers to easily

find physical and online stores with Store Locator

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  • osc app
  • Additional PHP libs
  • 3d party services
  • Additional requirements
Provide physical and online store addresses to your customers:

The Store Locator module is a powerful tool designed to enhance customer experience by providing them with convenient access to the addresses of your physical and online stores. By accurately pinpointing physical store locations and providing links to online stores, this module saves customers time and helps them make informed purchasing decisions.

Customize Your Store Locator:

Customization is key with this module, allowing you to tailor settings to suit your business needs. Easily

input Google Maps API key, latitude, longitude with Store Locator

module to precisely mark store locations on the map, and adjust zoom value for optimal viewing.

Include Precise Store Details with Store Locator:

You can include essential store information such as store name, short description, URL, address, latitude, and longitude. Plus, add as many stores as necessary to ensure comprehensive coverage.

With the Store Locator module, you empower your customers with a convenient store locating service, enhancing their shopping experience and driving engagement with your business both online and offline.


This module is used in the backend and on the frontend, and its settings can be found under the Modules and Extensions tabs.

Widgets and pages:

No widgets and pages are added to this module.
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