Stock by Manufacturer Report

Stock by Manufacturer Report

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Generate stock by manufacturer reports with ease

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  • osc app
  • Additional PHP libs
  • 3d party services
  • Additional requirements
Stock By Manufacturer Report generates a report that displays detailed information about product stock balances based on manufacturers.

Use customizable filters for stock by manufacturer reports

, such as searching by Manufacturer name, Product name, or on a Specific date.

Additionally, there is an option to

display supplier price in stock by manufacturer reports

. If the Supplier price option is selected, then the Supplier products price and Supplier value columns will be displayed instead of the Products price and Value columns.


Present data in a table format with Stock By Manufacturer Report

. The table includes the following default columns: Product model, Product name, Product quantity, Products price, and Value.

The information in the Product model column can be separately sorted, and a quick search option is also available.

If necessary, you can also

export stock by manufacturer reports to CSV

with one click.

With the help of this module, you can easily search and view stock balance details by manufacturers, making it an essential tool for inventory management.


This module is used in the backend only and its settings can be found under the Modules and Extensions tabs.

Widgets and pages:

No widgets or pages are added to this module.
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