Collection points module

Collection points module

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Inform customers about addresses of physical stores and collection points

, if they prefer to pick up online orders in person.
Add to cart for logged only
  • osc app
  • Additional PHP libs
  • 3d party services
  • Additional requirements
Collection points module is a convenient tool that enables you to inform customers about the addresses of your physical stores and collection points. By offering

order delivery to collection points and stores

, your customers can choose the most convenient option to pick up their orders made online. This feature not only saves your customers money on shipping fees but also guarantees that they receive their orders in the shortest possible time.

Using this module, you can customize the settings to meet your business needs. You can create a name for this feature and

choose suitable collection points for customers’ orders



Auto-relocate missing stock with Collection points module

. This feature ensures that any missing stock is quickly replaced and notifications are sent to the warehouse for efficient order processing.

You can also

disable order collection on specific days with Collection points module

, providing your customers with clear information on when they can pick up their orders.

Collection points module is an effective solution for businesses looking to enhance their customer experience by providing a flexible and reliable order collection system.


This module is used in the backend and on the frontend, and its settings can be found under the Modules and Extensions tabs.

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No widgets and pages are added to this module.
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