Managing Disallowed Countries for Products
Follow these steps to manage product availability by country using the "Disallowed Countries Products" module:
1. After installing the module,
go to the Modules and Extensions tabs. Use the quick search to locate the "Products Disallowed Countries" module and enable it by toggling the status switch.
Click the Country Groups button to start managing disallowed countries.
2. Managing Country Groups
In the Country Groups section, you can create new groups or edit existing ones.
To edit a group, select it and click Edit to modify its name.
3. Assigning or Removing Countries from Groups
Click the Assign Countries button to manage countries within a group.
To add a country, select it from the Countries List, and it will appear in the Name section.
To remove a country, click the bin icon next to the country in the Name section.
After making changes, click Update.
You can create different country groups based on criteria like continents, languages, time zones, and more.
4. Assigning Disallowed Countries to a Product
When editing a product, click the Disallowed Countries tab.
Select countries from the Disallowed Countries List, or choose a previously created Disallowed Countries Group (for example, "Disallowed").
You can select individual countries, groups, or both, depending on your business needs.
To remove a country from the list, click the bin icon next to it.
Once finished, click Save.
Now, the product will not be available for sale in the selected countries.