Creating Change Log - osc

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Revision as of 15:53, 1 June 2023 by Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Date''' - 04.05.2023 '''Filename''' - '''Changes''' - minimal requirement PHP version 7.4.0 + updated vendor libraries + add stock indicator option for limit by qty + add some hooks + add search by model, fix fulltext search <nowiki>*</nowiki> fix hook names <nowiki>*</nowiki> fix crash install update on file system issues <nowiki>*</nowiki> fix register hooks for uninstalled ext <nowiki>*</nowiki> fix sql itegrity error on adding hooks...")
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Date - 04.05.2023

Filename -

Changes -

minimal requirement PHP version 7.4.0

+ updated vendor libraries

+ add stock indicator option for limit by qty

+ add some hooks

+ add search by model, fix fulltext search

* fix hook names

* fix crash install update on file system issues

* fix register hooks for uninstalled ext

* fix sql itegrity error on adding hooks

* php8 compatibility

* fix supplier price for different currencies

* fix empty type in extension getWidget

* compatibility with new ReportEmailHistory version

* remove remains of Promotions, Samples, PersonalCatalog

* fix show attributes price depending on widget option

* delete unused extension widgets

* compatibility with older TradeForm

* fix extension config param for user group (TradeForm and others)

* fix trade form redirect if mandatory

* fix init translations for widget settings

* fix template keys

* add customer_lastname param to order notification. Thanks @Ken Shea and @CHD-UK

* add customer names keys for coupon mail sending

* OscLink: images import: normalize filenames, remove downloaded images after import

* OscLink: inc progress frequency

* OscLink: check prerequires

* OscLink add finish record to log

* OscLink fix brands mapping

* fix for old CollectionPoint

* update product modified date when product supplier imported

* speed up theme flushing

* add dbg loop profiling

* add preloader on installing via appshop/local library

* fix platform zone_id was not saved while state is required_register

* fix AllWorld zone for shippings

* fix AppShop with older version of cURL ext

- del doodle shipping

+ ep brands import new records

* fix for FreezeStock ext

* fix sorting names

* checking hook names

* show ext name in hook warning

* don't remove modules before installing

* fix currency convertion on supplier calc

* fix suppliers calc for non-default currencies

* fix error when using not enabled extensions

* suppress php8 errors even if YII_DEBUG is turned on

* fix filters still active when extension is disabled

* add compatibility with credit amount payment

* add hash name as possible product image url

* fix notifyproductsdate allowed

* add extension images funcs

* add separate error handler for console

* change log sys info

* fix wrong exif error under php8

* fix wrong link for login instead of showing price

* error handling on email sending

* change suppliers price applying for PurchaseOrders

* fix Getting unknown property error

* fix autocalc cron for suppliers

* fix SQL integrity error

* fixes for php8

+ add search on easypopulate download popup

+ add addedPages.json to import export widget groups

+ add autocomplite input attributes

* fix compare for product group

* fix pdfblock for main styles

* updates for trade form

* fix main styles for global clear cache

* fix responsive banners

* add hooks to export import widgets

* fix designer log

* fix translation, fix import theme, add origin theme

+ theme wizard: create theme

* update addWidget function, add placeholders

* fix export import theme

+ add removePage function

+ saving theme wizard actions to log

+ showing extension widgets info for export import

* modify changing all theme styles

+ designer: add change language box

+ create design wizard

* export import widgets area

* cart widget settings

* load prices using ajax

* fix 'in your cart' button for quantity

* add widget migration

* updates for json-ld

* fix alert message in notify product

* fix ckeditor banner link when edit banner from designer

* fix Date & Time formats popup

* fix adding banner on product

* fix state for contactus

* fix responsive style tab

+ add theme main styles (colors and fonts as variables)

* fix tel on contact widget

* fix responsive style tab

* fix setGetParam

* find product name for select products

* fix banner height for carousel slider

* fix rotation image

+ skip shopping cart page option

* fix json-ld for brand

+ json-ld for free price

+ add resend code button

* fix designer urls

* designer: update boxes groups

* fix select product widget js for popup

+ designer: add design backend orders list

* fix export theme on Windows

* fix migration theme

* fix login visibility

* fix find platform for mobile theme

* fix designer backend theme

* fix single banner type

* fix save admin data

* fix menu checkboxes

* fix menu for UserGroups ext

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