Creating Change Log - osc
Date - 28.02.2023
Filename -
Changes -
* fix prevent remove common menu translation for extensions
* fix Quotations application edit in the backend
* fix typo for English translations
* fix editing languages in the backend
* fix zonetable shipping
* fix if DATE_TIME_FORMAT constant not defined error
* fix missing table error when cleaning products/categories
* fix migration for shared hosts
+ logging result for apply migration in the backend
* fix banners for php8
* fix admin settings
* fix visibility buttons
* fix design settings for edit mode
* add widget_params to theme migration
* show image and text for old banner template
* fix designer settings view
* fix widget list
* fix banner widget settings for old versions
Note: While installing this version on Windows there may be the failure that can cause the admin area inaccessibility. In order to fix it extract files from the archive uploads/ and apply the migrations.
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