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Already Checked newsletter checkbox


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I am using BTS and I need to make it so that when a customer signs up, the newsletter box is already checked as the default and they can uncheck it if they want. How do I do this. I found in the file create_account.tpl.php where it says:


<td class="main"><?php echo ENTRY_NEWSLETTER; ?></td>
               <td class="main"><?php echo tep_draw_checkbox_field ('newsletter', '0') . ' ' . (tep_not_null(ENTRY_NEWSLETTER_TEXT) ? '<span class="inputRequirement">' . ENTRY_NEWSLETTER_TEXT . '</span>': ''); ?></td>


It looks like I would have to edit something in there, but what?


Thank you in advance!


Be ware of your local legislation. In Denmark it is for example not allowed to put the newsletter checked. The customer needs to want themselves to be on the mailinglist.


And sorry don't know the answer to your question






Thank you for your advice. You think there is a way that if someone deosn't click on the checkbox, it will say something like, "Are you sure you don't want to subscribe to our newsletter?" Also, it is legal to have it already checked here in CA in the U.S. I saw newegg.com doing it and they are a huge company. They wouldn't risk having legal issues with that.


Thank you to anyone that can asnwer my question.


I am not responsible for your laws or legislation..



add true to this statement


<?php echo tep_draw_checkbox_field('newsletter', '1', true )

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  • 4 months later...

I would be interested to see if adding 'true' to this statement works or not - because this is controlled by one of the functions or classes in the includes folder. If it is set to 'true' there then this box is checked - but as it controls all such boxes then it also checks the 'delete from basket' boxes as well.



but as it controls all such boxes then it also checks the 'delete from basket' boxes as well.


Can you please tell me what is "delete from basket box" ..


When you click on something to 'Add To Cart' you are taken to the Shopping Cart page, and there you have a box which says 'remove'. If you change the source code which makes the Newsletter box pre-ticked then it also pre-ticks the 'remove' box in the shopping cart.


I tried changing the code in create_account.php and couldn't get it to work. That's why I'm interested to see if Mibble's suggestion works.




When my customers add prods to their cart they are still on my site until they click on Shopping cart ... so I guess I dont have your problem :)


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