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The e-commerce.

PayPal and other payment processors listedinadmin


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I notice that besides PayPal there are other payment processors listed like 2Checkout (or something like that), etc.


If I have only signed up for PayPal should I delete these other companies' processors?


Since all of these are available, does that mean a customer visiting my OSCommerce store can choose which one they want to use?





Since all of these are available, does that mean a customer visiting my OSCommerce store can choose which one they want to use?





Only if you establish merchant accounts which can use these methods and then turn them on.

Local: Mac OS X 10.5.8 - Apache 2.2/php 5.3.0/MySQL 5.4.10 • Web Servers: Linux

Tools: BBEdit, Coda, Versions (Subversion), Sequel Pro (db management)


dont mean to crash your thread, but thought this can go here as well....

is there a way to prepopulate the paypal fields with my customer details to save them from entering it again ?

currently using OSC2.2MS2 051113 with the following contributions:


AJAX Attributemanager 2.1 - All_products 4.4 - Banner manager 1.5b - banner hack picture in manager * description in product listing hack ms2 v2.4 * drop shadow boxes v.1.1 * Easy populater 2.76d-ms2 by surfalot * FCKEditor * header tag controller v2.5.9 * jcssmenu * LoginBox 5.6 * option type feature v1.71 * OSC-Cach-v1.1 * popup_imagecleaned_stilized_2 * Remove from cart button hack * scrolling bestsellers * Article manager1.4 * Links Manager v1.14. * proffessional invoice&packingslip 6.1 * Ultimate SEO URLs

Personaly i think all these features NEED to be in the main core as they are quite basic features that are missing. but then again what do i know?



I notice that besides PayPal there are other payment processors listed like 2Checkout (or something like that), etc.


If I have only signed up for PayPal should I delete these other companies' processors?


Since all of these are available, does that mean a customer visiting my OSCommerce store can choose which one they want to use?





They are only available to your customers if you install them from the admin page. The list you see is what is available for you to install in the store section, think of them as a choice of what you are able to offer.

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BACKUP BACKUP BACKUP!!! You did backup, right??

dont mean to crash your thread, but thought this can go here as well....

is there a way to prepopulate the paypal fields with my customer details to save them from entering it again ?

If you install the PayPal_Shopping_Cart_IPN contribution it should populate all the fields when the customer goes to the paypal site.

The Knowledge Base is a wonderful thing.

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BACKUP BACKUP BACKUP!!! You did backup, right??


@ozcsvs, when u say SHOULD, do u mean u done it before or know of someone that did or read that it did ?


as far as i understood the ipn it just notifies you wether a transaction was succesful or not, so you or it can update your quantities and stuff like that(all important stuff) but then again i am so new i am probably wrong.

currently using OSC2.2MS2 051113 with the following contributions:


AJAX Attributemanager 2.1 - All_products 4.4 - Banner manager 1.5b - banner hack picture in manager * description in product listing hack ms2 v2.4 * drop shadow boxes v.1.1 * Easy populater 2.76d-ms2 by surfalot * FCKEditor * header tag controller v2.5.9 * jcssmenu * LoginBox 5.6 * option type feature v1.71 * OSC-Cach-v1.1 * popup_imagecleaned_stilized_2 * Remove from cart button hack * scrolling bestsellers * Article manager1.4 * Links Manager v1.14. * proffessional invoice&packingslip 6.1 * Ultimate SEO URLs

Personaly i think all these features NEED to be in the main core as they are quite basic features that are missing. but then again what do i know?

@ozcsvs, when u say SHOULD, do u mean u done it before or know of someone that did or read that it did ?


as far as i understood the ipn it just notifies you wether a transaction was succesful or not, so you or it can update your quantities and stuff like that(all important stuff) but then again i am so new i am probably wrong.


I have installed it and it does populate the fields for you.


The biggest advantage of the ipn install is that it records the purchase into your database before it sends the info to paypal so even if the customer does not click on the continue button you will have a record of the order. If you use the default paypal module and they do not click on the continue button you will have a payment and no idea what they ordered.

The Knowledge Base is a wonderful thing.

Do you have a problem? Have you checked out Common Problems?

There are many very useful osC Contributions

Are you having trouble with a installed contribution? Have you checked out the support thread found Here

BACKUP BACKUP BACKUP!!! You did backup, right??


that sounds EXCELLENT, thanks for the info.

i am quite a newbie

is it hard to implement ?

is there any documantaion for it so i know how to work it ?

currently using OSC2.2MS2 051113 with the following contributions:


AJAX Attributemanager 2.1 - All_products 4.4 - Banner manager 1.5b - banner hack picture in manager * description in product listing hack ms2 v2.4 * drop shadow boxes v.1.1 * Easy populater 2.76d-ms2 by surfalot * FCKEditor * header tag controller v2.5.9 * jcssmenu * LoginBox 5.6 * option type feature v1.71 * OSC-Cach-v1.1 * popup_imagecleaned_stilized_2 * Remove from cart button hack * scrolling bestsellers * Article manager1.4 * Links Manager v1.14. * proffessional invoice&packingslip 6.1 * Ultimate SEO URLs

Personaly i think all these features NEED to be in the main core as they are quite basic features that are missing. but then again what do i know?




I am confused. Even if someone uses paypal without this ipn, don't you know about the payment anyway?






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