M00NB00TS Posted June 28, 2004 Posted June 28, 2004 Hi, I have a new buiness case for an online food deleievry portal, much the same as www.nyctogo.com. I am looking to incorporate most of the features here. Will osCommerce be able to provide the tools to develop this kind of functionality? Such as: Admin Tools to build menus with various addtiaonl attributes and pricing options Ability to store order histories. Integaraton of 3rd part (zip-code based) searching I'm an experienced visual Basic developer but am releatively new to web development (but have a basic grasp of ASP .NET and PHP). What kind of framework does osCommerce provide and what kind of expereinces have other newbies had? Many Thanks M
patrickbailey1 Posted June 29, 2004 Posted June 29, 2004 I'm not sure about all the different things you want to be able to do, but i'm running a 250 product (so far) business with osCommerce and all i knew when i started was basic (and i mean basic) html. You're in luck because osCommerce is vastly php based! My experience has been good...just wish i knew starting out what i know now because things would have gone a lot quicker. Attributes are easy (if you pick up 1 contribution) and speaking of which there are various contributions you can add to your site like attribute sorters, design stuff, modules (payment, shipping etc...) all kinds of stuff...Its very good for a small business. Has drawbacks, but much easier than beginning from scratch, and very modifiable once you get the knack. Patrick Patrick Bailey www.DisplayHaven.com
DELETE_ME Posted June 29, 2004 Posted June 29, 2004 some of the stuff you are looking for may have already been developed , you may want to check out some of the other sites that people have created. Also check out the contributions. OScommerce after some modification was able to handle our 30000+ items, and I was able to custimize what I wanted from the software. Although I am not sure the code is nearly the same as it was when I downloaded it. But its a wonder full experience. I would tell you to try it, PHP is very easy to use and program in (although I had to learn from scratch and I still dont know it all)
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