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The e-commerce.

Will OSCommerce work for me?


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I have a new buiness case for an online food deleievry portal, much the same as www.nyctogo.com. I am looking to incorporate most of the features here.


Will osCommerce be able to provide the tools to develop this kind of functionality? Such as:



Admin Tools to build menus with various addtiaonl attributes and pricing options

Ability to store order histories.

Integaraton of 3rd part (zip-code based) searching


I'm an experienced visual Basic developer but am releatively new to web development (but have a basic grasp of ASP .NET and PHP).


What kind of framework does osCommerce provide and what kind of expereinces have other newbies had?


Many Thanks




I'm not sure about all the different things you want to be able to do, but i'm running a 250 product (so far) business with osCommerce and all i knew when i started was basic (and i mean basic) html. You're in luck because osCommerce is vastly php based! My experience has been good...just wish i knew starting out what i know now because things would have gone a lot quicker. Attributes are easy (if you pick up 1 contribution) and speaking of which there are various contributions you can add to your site like attribute sorters, design stuff, modules (payment, shipping etc...) all kinds of stuff...Its very good for a small business. Has drawbacks, but much easier than beginning from scratch, and very modifiable once you get the knack.



Patrick Bailey



some of the stuff you are looking for may have already been developed , you may want to check out some of the other sites that people have created. Also check out the contributions.


OScommerce after some modification was able to handle our 30000+ items, and I was able to custimize what I wanted from the software. Although I am not sure the code is nearly the same as it was when I downloaded it. But its a wonder full experience.


I would tell you to try it, PHP is very easy to use and program in (although I had to learn from scratch and I still dont know it all)


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