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Encrypted password


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Is there any possible way to see the non encrypted password or any tool to decrypt it?

I can see the decrypted through phpMyAdmin it reads as: 11d8cdf4746770942ff8979eb1d0618f:69

I am trying to create an admin with some privileges through the contribution 'Admin with Levels' but I see no way to change the password through the dialogues of the admin pages.

Any help will be appreciated.



Thanks for your answer Tom but I'm not looking for a master password.


Actually I'd like to know if I'm missing some file in the 'Admin wih Levels' contribution because I can create new admin users and groups but it asks for an email account (as the login) but I don't get the chance to set up a password so all the new users I create can't possibly be accessed.


In my admin/index.php page I have after installing the 'Admin wih Levels' contribution, the following actions:

Under administrator --> Member Groups, Members access and File access.

Under My Account --> My account and Logoff.


Also when I click directly to the 'Administrator' link I get an not found error page saying:

The requested URL /catalog/admin/administrator.php was not found on this server

I just want to make sure this is correct and also find out how ppl using this contribution create new accounts.





Forget my posting!



I just realised that the password is sent to the email address set in the account, so you also need to have access to that account...


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