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The e-commerce.

new site please check..


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OK, basically stock OSC with a few modifications, but that's not a

bad thing.


I personally would want to know more about the company i was

dealing with, where are you based? There is no address?


How would you deal with returns? You seem to have stripped out

all the information links.


Internet customers are already wary about security so if they can't

be sure of who they are dealing with they won't order, or maybe

that's just me.


Just my thoughts.


Good luck with your site.




I really like the layout - stock, but nowt wrong with that in my opinion. Like the look, its fresh and uncluttered.


What did you use for the gradient title bars in your boxes?






I thought because you used the word "Launched" i took

it that it was live.


Sorry again.




Sharp looking site with nice product photos and details. Looking at your product selection, you're going into a very crowded market with lots of competition. Still if you can take business away from the bohemeths, more power to you. Before going live you will want to change your copyright notice to 2004 and add a terms of use page - outlining your shipping and returns policies.

Hi Everyone


Just launched our new wholesale store.



check out our website



Also, I viewed some of your products... are the warranties on the items, supported from the Factory or Your store...


If it's a factory warranty, some of your warranty's are incorrect. Such as your D-link Wifi DI-624, a refurbished items from D-link are only 30 day from reciept of end customer. This is verified with D-link tech support.


Also, your menu on the left would be better Alphabetized or More Categorized(sp?)


You should add the Cross Sell (X-Sell) Mod, looks good and may get you more sales.


Also your secure log in.... isnt secure.


Duncan Jones


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