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removing boxes from the store front


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Can anyone tell me what I can do so I can remove several boxes from the store front? I would like to get rid of manufacurers, reviews, add a quickie. I don't want to remove code until I know for sure what I should get rid of.


Also for the specials box, is there something to put in there where you can say something like there are no specials at this time?


Final question, how can I remove "what's new here" on the front?


Thanks, I appreciate it.



Edit /catalog/includes/column_left and column_right.

Sorry, I do not have permission to EDIT MY OWN DAMN POSTS!


Here's a better answer:


Boxes on left and right, edit: /catalog/includes/column_left and column_right.


What's New, edit: /catalog/index.php.


Remove or comment out <?php include(DIR_WS_MODULES . FILENAME_NEW_PRODUCTS); ?>


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