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Hello all,


I'am using the edit orders contribution and everthing is working fine except after update my order is dissapeared from the orders list where all my orders are placed.


If i go to the path with the order through my browser he's still there but not anymore listed in the orders overview.


Anybody any idea??


Thanks in advance




go back thru the instructions on installing the contribution, you missed something.


then when you come back to post, find the thread for edit orders here in contribution support and post at the end of it, do not create a new thread.




this is mentioned in the edit_orders_INSTALL


Order Editor Installation


1) Copy the MAIN edit_orders.php file to your /admin/ folder.


2) Copy the LANGUAGE edit_orders.php file to your /admin/includes/languages/english/ folder.


3. Set up a link somewhere to go to the tool. To edit order #536, you would access the tool like: /admin/edit_orders.php?oID=536


That's it!


Would appreciate not to reply on a thread if you just give me some crap.

If you have relevant information on how to find the solution or know where to find the answers, because i have search all over then that would be very kindly of you.




Posted (edited)

edit orders works fine for me (except 1 prob), just updated to 1.5 from 1.2b1.


The problem I am having is that after I edited my order, be it customer details or products ordered, it would get rid of the suburb when update is pressed, if I try and enter a suburb and update it will still be blank. This problem has carried forward from 1.2b to 1.5.


Has anyone else has this problem with this contribution? (link below)



Edited by dspan

i think that Perry van Dam is true, there is a little problem with this contribution: if you update a order without changing the status, it can become blank and dissapeared from the order list: try to update without any change... it will dissapeared. You can recover your order with the number tip in the feald on the top right of the order_list, edit it and change the status


I will try to find a issue, but if somebody knows, it woud be great


sorry for my bad english :*>




I tried now the latest version

order editor version 1.5 and this one seems to work without any problems.


so I will now have a few tests these days to find out if this one stays stable


Thks all




great for you perry... but it's not ok for me. I think i used also the last version 1.5 but perhaps not... this contribution is not very clean with all the updates :rolleyes: I will look for carefully


I found a issue, not very clean for the code but it works: you only have to desactivate the line 58 (in my version)

//  $OldNewStatusValues = (tep_field_exists(TABLE_ORDERS_STATUS_HISTORY, "old_value") && tep_field_exists(TABLE_ORDERS_STATUS_HISTORY, "new_value"));

this version of "Status History" table is older than the MS1 and it looks to be the raison for the problem


I will try to propose a version cleaned later but this simply changed works


is the surburb being deleted for you guys when you update or is it just me?


don't worry, I found the solution in the other thread. not sure why that was not updated on 1.5 and 1.5a heh.

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