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I want index.php to load NONSSL after checkout


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What am I missing? After checkout_success.php I want it ro redirect to NONSSL but cant seem to get it????




this is what I tried:


 tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, $notify_string, 'NONSSL'));

osC Contributions I have published.


Note: Some I only provided minor changes, updates or additions!


once then click on a product or go elsewhere on the site (other than my account, things requiring ssl) it goes away. if it doesnt, what did you modify in the code?


Unless there have been recent updates, you are left at the ssl index.php. I submitted this as a bug sometime ago, and was informed that is a feature, since your user has to click something to return from the secure server to nonssl, without causing pop ups in Internet Explorer cautioning the user that they are leaving a secure area. I have some carts set up with the default index.php, and just to let them click. On others, we did a redirect page, telling the customer they have been properly logged in, or the order has been properly processed, and to "click here" to return to the shopping cart.

GEOTEX from Houston, TX




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