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superman help!!


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guys please help,

just one quick question... where exactly should i paste poll.php file???

i would like it to be at the right colum..

and after i paste it, what should i do next?? add the mysql file??

thank you soo much !!!


I have no idea what contribution that is...but if its a box that you want in the right column than i'd say put it in "boxes" file with all the other boxes, and then open column_right.php and write in the call to it. If its some kind of thing that should be IN a box, than just copy one of the boxes(in boxes.php), like information.php, change the information in the first couple lines, save it as newbox.php (or whatever), and then add in your call to poll.php in the box, and there you have it...I really dont know what it is or what you want to do with it besides "put it in the right column"...if nothing i said helps than re-post with a little more information...Good Luck!



Patrick Bailey



ok, i downloaded it...and can tell you are very new at this...for a beginner this contribution is a doosy...be that as it may...


i'm assuming you ran the mysql query...


there are about 5 different polls.php files. Put them where the install tells you to.


to get the polls thing to come up in your right column you add the code


  require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'polls.php');


where you want it to show up...you'll see "require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'reviews.php');" etc...if you put it below this box, it will show up below reviews box on your page. Very easy this part. The rest is just modifying the right files and uploading the files included. Still have questions?

Patrick Bailey



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