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The e-commerce.

Categories Box...


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I hate the look of the categories box. I want to do something like this:




on my webpage, but have no idea how. Anyone know how because i've gone through all the contributions, and do not really like most of them. You can see my webpage here or click the www below to see why daddy needs this. The rest of page looks alright comparatively (except for live help box, which i'm working on as we speak). Thanks!



Patrick Bailey



those are mouse overs, very easily done via dreamweaver (a macromedia product)


mmm...i have dreamweaver? I still don't know how to do it though..i usually just use it for the php template pages....

Patrick Bailey



you certainly seem to be pushing this product very hard in the forum which is a form of solicitation and not allowed in the forum to my knowledge, also the post does not seem relevent to the thread.


If you are after the rollover as in macromedia I would suggest to follow one of their tutorials

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Is your Osc dated try Phoenix  raising oscommerce from the ashes.


I apologize...I was not trying to solicit. I mean, why would one solicit for a free product? I was looking for a solution to an issue I was having, stumbled upon the man's website and Just wanted to share. Sorry.


Also, I don't know how you mean about my pushing it in the contrib announcement thread? Its a contribution, and there is a forum thread announcing it. that is all. Sorry and thanks for reminding me that this is not a place for sharing. Again, my apologies


No, no...dont get all defensive. I was just asking because it does sound a little bit like solicitation and I checked out your other posts and they all have to do with the same thing. And now you're all defensive, it just makes it look a little sketchy is all i'm saying. I'm hesitant about installing any contribution, and then to have one pushed on me just seems a little off is all. I didn't mean for anyone to get you flustered, just wondering where you're coming from. I have to look out for my customers you understand, so I have to be careful what I allow on my site. Thanks for the offer and I apoligize if you were offended.



Patrick Bailey



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