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smtp authentication solution und window run apache


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This forum discussion restrict the system configuration to be apache web server running on windows with php API, mysql database server and with smtp running under window service.


My system is window 2000 running apache web server with smtp service running. I want to use my ISP mail server which requires smtp authentication and php mail() does not address the authentication issue, is there other way to get the email thing working? anyone who can rewrite the php mail() with authenticaiton? please share the code, i think that will be solve the problem of a lot of people. I tried the contribution code address smtp authentication issue but the warning error message is gone but my customers cannot receive any email message. If anyone knows another way to get around this email problem please let us know (We want to send email to customer, disable email option is not the solution seek under this forum discussion). Any suggestion will be appreciated. Thank you in advance.


The smtp authentication problem can be solved by installing postcast mail server which is free. The solution is given by member, conrad10781, mathew. For those of us who have been helped by your solution, we really appreciate your contribution, thank you a lot.


please do not double post in the forum


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