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smtp authentication issue under window run apache


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This forum discussion restrict the system configuration to be apache web server running on windows with php API, mysql database server and with smtp running under window service.


My system is window 2000 running apache web server with smtp service running. I want to use my ISP mail server which requires smtp authentication and php mail() does not address the authentication issue, is there other way to get the email thing working? anyone who can rewrite the php mail() with authenticaiton? please share the code, i think that will be solve the problem of a lot of people. I tried the contribution code address smtp authentication issue but the warning error message is gone but my customers cannot receive any email message. If anyone knows another way to get around this email problem please let us know (We want to send email to customer, disable email option is not the solution seek under this forum discussion). Any suggestion will be appreciated. Thank you in advance.


I may have mis understood what you are trying to ask, but if you are running an smtp server on your machine why not just use that for outgoing and change the line for reply to email to your isp's e-mail address? so the customers see it as your isp's name, but you are just sending out from your local smtp.

I may have mis understood what you are trying to ask, but if you are running an smtp server on your machine why not just use that for outgoing and change the line for reply to email to your isp's e-mail address? so the customers see it as your isp's name, but you are just sending out from your local smtp.

how can i do it? I have a smtp web server under IIS but the IIS web server is shut down because i want to use apache web server, how can i configure smtp web server in order to send out email to my customers. I have to use my ISP web server which is outgoing.verizon.net.


actually if its just going to be for oscommerce i would suggest getting postcast smtp server its free and very easy to setup. after its setup each time you send an e-mail it will use that service no problem.

actually if its just going to be for oscommerce i would suggest getting postcast smtp server its free and very easy to setup. after its setup each time you send an e-mail it will use that service no problem.

i have downlaoded the postcast smtp server. how can i configure it so it will work with oscommerce and solve the authentication problem ?


just walk through the install wizard, and thats pretty much it, since its local its a beauty you can test an outgoign if you want, but probaly no need, just have it running minimized, and send an e-mail through oscommerce it will do the rest itself ;)

just walk through the install wizard, and thats pretty much it, since its local its a beauty you can test an outgoign if you want, but probaly no need, just have it running minimized, and send an e-mail through oscommerce it will do the rest itself ;)

so i test a message, it is sent but how can i do any configuration so it can work with oscommerce


if the test message worked from the postcast server, then that is it no more configuration, it is just a GUI wrap so it still is running a smtp service. so like i said if it worked on the postcast console, just make a new customer as yourself, and send it an e-mail it will work just fine B)

if the test message worked from the postcast server, then that is it no more configuration, it is just a GUI wrap so it still is running a smtp service. so like i said if it worked on the postcast console, just make a new customer as yourself, and send it an e-mail it will work just fine B)

I am afraid that I dont get it. are you trying to say that i only can send email through postcast web server so i cannot send email through oscommerce admin to send emails?


not at all just saying if you were able to send through postcast then you can now send through oscommerce admin. just try it, let postcast run minimized in the taskbar, and send an email through the oscommerce admin, IT WILL WORK, and you know that because it worked through the postcast console. so everything should be just fine now

not at all just saying if you were able to send through postcast then you can now send through oscommerce admin. just try it, let postcast run minimized in the taskbar, and send an email through the oscommerce admin, IT WILL WORK, and you know that because it worked through the postcast console. so everything should be just fine now

yes, i tried to send under oscommerce admin panel but the email is sent to postcast mail server. but the customer still not receiving any email

are you behind a router, if so you will need to open port 25 to send out of the network

yes, i am behind a router, but the message i compose under postcast can be received by customer. the message i compose under oscommerce cannot be received by customer

Hmm I honestly don't knwo then, that is what i did, took about 1 minute to set up, and was nice and quick and easy. sorry

hi, it is working now. thank you a lot. i dont know why some emails are received and some are not. maybe the network is slow. the last two tests are good

thank you


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