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The e-commerce.

submit buttons can not open


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Hi dear friends.

I am new on Oscommerce and have some difficulties.

First, images on button can not open. All permissions are 644. Other images can open correctly.

I paste the path of that images to my browser and I get this messages:"You don't have permission to access /testoscommerce/oscommerce/catalog/includes/languages/turkish/images/buttons/button_reviews.gif on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request."

images path:



Second, I want to change design, do you have any suggestions about it.


Third, I need shop delivery (no shipping) option in shipping section, and money transfer or EFT(electronical fund transfer) option in payment section.


And Finally, do you have any suggestions about online payment supliers, and shipping company from Turkey.


Thank you for all your helps.


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