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Over mail quote Cannot modify header problem


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Warning: mail(): Over mail quota. Mail not sent. in /home/content/c/d/r/cdrepair/html/catalog/includes/classes/email.php on line 500


Warning: mail(): Over mail quota. Mail not sent. in /home/content/c/d/r/cdrepair/html/catalog/includes/classes/email.php on line 500


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/c/d/r/cdrepair/html/catalog/includes/classes/email.php:500) in /home/content/c/d/r/cdrepair/html/catalog/includes/functions/general.php on line 29


There is a problem with your email account from which you are sending. The best thing is to ask your host to check the mail logs. You also may want to confirm that it is sending from the correct email address (i.e. not the default root@localhost).




Always back up before making changes.




On what page. I can't find it and am going a bit nuts.


PS on the create_account.php there is no additional space after the last ?>


Read the error message:


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/c/d/r/cdrepair/html/catalog/includes/classes/email.php:500) in /home/content/c/d/r/cdrepair/html/catalog/includes/functions/general.php on line 29


Look in the files mentioned in the error. Also, make sure that you are not using the editor in the admin section as this has a bug that will add extra white space and cause this error.

Read the error message:
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/c/d/r/cdrepair/html/catalog/includes/classes/email.php:500) in /home/content/c/d/r/cdrepair/html/catalog/includes/functions/general.php on line 29
Look in the files mentioned in the error. Also, make sure that you are not using the editor in the admin section as this has a bug that will add extra white space and cause this error.
In this case, the error is not caused by white space but by the error message about the mail quota. I.e. it hits the line 500 (which is the mail() line) which outputs an error. Before sending that output, PHP sends the headers. Once it has sent the headers, it can't send any more. However, it hasn't reached the normal headers yet, so it sends an error when it reaches them. The white space issue is similar, as white space causes it to start output as well, but that is not the issue in this case.


In short, ignore the header error. When you fix the mail error, it will fix the header error automatically. If you become desparate, you could change mail( to @mail( on line 500 of includes/classes/email.php and it should supress the error message. Mail still won't work, but it should render the page.




Always back up before making changes.

most likely you don't have a smtp server installed on that machine
Line 500 is for sendmail, so it doesn't need an SMTP server. Line 502 would appear in the error if it was SMTP related. Btw, sendmail is correct, as the paths are from *nix rather than Microsoft.




Always back up before making changes.




Thanks for your post. I have set it to both smtp and sendmail and as you said, have received both 502 and 500 errors. Jeff 'vastech' helped me to install the line in the application_top.php file which sets it to smtp and I have just changed the settings back to sendmail. Feeling confused, me too. It is a linux server, but they gave me smtp.starfieldtech.com as an outgoing, but said I would need to log in with username and password, and also told me it could send mail with sendmail over the following path usr/sbin/sendmail


Please treat me as an absolute novice, and if you would, walk me through the process of choosing and implementing whichever you think would be better. I am hosted at godaddy if that helps you recommend one choice over another. I can't believe there are so many variables to set one at a time. Thank you for your help and time. I would be thrilled to pay for advice and assistance at this point, as I have spend unbelieveable time with little results. I know some of you in the community could wire this with options in no time.


If you would be willing to help me tweak this properly it would be worth something to me.


Please advise what I should do, and how.








Now I have set it for sendmail and I am getting a 502 error. What is going on, and why was this working a few days ago? Sorry about the double posts.




The base osC does not support SMTP authentication. One has to use the local mail server, which will be sendmail-based on Linux. Btw, SMTP/sendmail is an admin setting under E-Mail Options.


I would try adding

ini_set('sendmail_path', '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i -f ' . STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS);

just before the class email { line in includes/classes/email.php


The thing is that the error that it is giving is a mail server error, not an osCommerce error. As such, it is the kind of thing that your host (GoDaddy in this case) would have to diagnose. The error message suggests that they limit how much email can be sent.




Always back up before making changes.

The base osC does not support SMTP authentication. One has to use the local mail server, which will be sendmail-based on Linux. Btw, SMTP/sendmail is an admin setting under E-Mail Options.


I would try adding

ini_set('sendmail_path', '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i -f ' . STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS);

just before the class email { line in includes/classes/email.php


The thing is that the error that it is giving is a mail server error, not an osCommerce error. As such, it is the kind of thing that your host (GoDaddy in this case) would have to diagnose. The error message suggests that they limit how much email can be sent.






One positive, I went back to an older copy of create_account that I had, and updated it and it cleared all of the mail errors. However, I am not sure it is sending emails on the sendmail circut, although it was sending them a few days ago. As I have said, I am a bit confused as I believe it was smtp them, but received this from my store, again, at that time.


From: [email protected]

Subject: Order Process

Date: June 26, 2004 1:41:12 AM EDT

To: [email protected], [email protected]


Wipe Out! CD DVD Game Care Products




Order Number: 6


Detailed Invoice: https://www.cdrepair.com/catalog/account_hi....php?order_id=6


Date Ordered: Friday 25 June, 2004








15 x Wipe Out! CD DVD Game Repair Kit (756274000023) = $149.85




Sub-Total: $149.85


Flat Rate (Best Way): $5.00


NJ Sales TAX 6.0%: $8.99


Total: $163.84




Delivery Address




Esprit Development Corporation


Tracey Guest


5 Stephen Court


Ringoes, NJ 08551


United States




Billing Address




Esprit Development Corporation


Tracey Guest


5 Stephen Court


Ringoes, NJ 08551


United States




Payment Method







I have not customized these, but they sent, and I also received previous create account letters then, and was editing create_account.php when I screwed everything up. Now that the order is being taken, I am not sure if sendmail is proper. If I gave you my server info, or whatever you need, could you check and give me best advice. I put your sendmail line into the


I would try adding

ini_set('sendmail_path', '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i -f ' . STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS);

just before the class email { line in includes/classes/email.php



as you recommended, but a test order did not result in any emails except from the authorize.net receipt system, nothing from osc. What think?


Marc 908.284.0426


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