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The e-commerce.

New Store w/ a few flash twists


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I am currently working on this project to try and integrate OSCommerce w/ Flash, to have the power of the osc shopping cart with the design of flash so It doesn't look like every other osc store out there. Please give me your feed back and suggestions, ideas or other ways to go about doing this if you would like. Also for some strange reason I keep getting a popup in secure mode, driving me batty.





Loose Noose Industries - MY SITE


you dont have a good way to navigate your categories, and it will get thrown completely out of wack as you add more.


you also have a spelling error on the privacy page at the bottom.


This information is used to monitor traffic to our site and provide additional security in your ordering procedss.


procedss should be process.


I also get 2 different store styles when going from the home page into a category versus using the link you gave in the forum.




Failing to load all the contents of your web site in Firefox browser! I can only find some graphics. Many of them are blank. Especially those are in the middle and upper top table.





i really like the "mike's hard lemonade" look....i wish the logo matched the rest of the site.


it's very slow to load, but i'm sure you knew that.


i didn't have any secure/insecure problems.




When you click on the featured product infobox header or the website info infobox header you are redirected to index.php...I don't think this is what you intended as the other headers lead to other pages.


You also need to rewrite your flash embed script in your header as you are calling 2 different swf files for the header

<param name="movie" value="images/loose_catalog.swf">
<param name="quality" value="high">
<param name="bgcolor" value="#000000">
<embed src="images/scaryhead_catalog.swf


Also...just curious...why not define all your javascript in the <head></head> tags? You're defining functions in the middle of <table></table> tags...




Chris Sullivan


I like the layout and those flash tho.... ;) did you learn any flash before?? (I only check pretty things..... ;) :D )

OS-commerce is great, but with other magical contributions, that is just so "COOL"!

When you click on the featured product infobox header or the website info infobox header you are redirected to index.php...I don't think this is what you intended as the other headers lead to other pages.


You also need to rewrite your flash embed script in your header as you are calling 2 different swf files for the header

<param name="movie" value="images/loose_catalog.swf">
<param name="quality" value="high">
<param name="bgcolor" value="#000000">
<embed src="images/scaryhead_catalog.swf


Also...just curious...why not define all your javascript in the <head></head> tags? You're defining functions in the middle of <table></table> tags...




Thank you for letting me know about the flash header I had no clue and the same with the java in the tables. I will get that fixed.

  • 2 weeks later...

This gets my most favourite award:


"I don't know why, I just like it"


Thumbs up...


I am currently working on this project to try and integrate OSCommerce w/ Flash, to have the power of the osc shopping cart with the design of flash so It doesn't look like every other osc store out there. Please give me your feed back and suggestions, ideas or other ways to go about doing this if you would like. Also for some strange reason I keep getting a popup in secure mode, driving me batty.





Loose Noose Industries - MY SITE

mike, i like the sit but my only issue with it is that there is nothing on the splash or homepage that indicates what you are selling. i had to dig around on the site before i realize what the products were for.


neither the name of the site nor the logo with the microphone on the splash page has anything to do with bike parts. i first thought you were selling guitar equipment.


I have to agree with above assessment. I don?t know if your sales are good anyway but the site is confusing (I almost never get confused by sites). You should really change the graphic on the main page to more of an ad , like have a guy on a bike in the background instead of the buildings, or have a special there.


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