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PayPal Trouble!


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I was testing my site, and I "bought" some things from myself.

When I (site owner) received the notification from PayPal of an order, there is no item/product name, only the name of my site.

When I go to my Admin panel, there is no order there, either. What have I done wrong? I don't know what my customer ordered!!


Are you using PayPal or PayPal IPN? If IPN, what version? In many of the versions, you have to set the notification URL correctly to have osC finalize the transaction after payment.



Dan Stevens


PayPal IPN is in the contributions.


If you don't want to/know how to install the IPN contribution, go to PayPal and at least set up the redirect to send customers back to your store. The redirect will basically tell OSC that the order is 'complete' and OSC will then log the order in the orders area. Otherwise, the order remains open in the customers cart because OSC doesn't think the order is 'complete'.


Hope that makes sense.

Contributions I used : Updated 06-13-04 23:42


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If there are any more highly recommended and affordable payment options that anyone might suggest, I'm learning!


Is there a reason specifically? I found one, FreeAuth.net.. sounds a little similar, doesn't it?


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