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How use CVS Server

Antonio Garcia

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I'm try to use the CVS Server to monitorize the changes in the files when a bug/improvement are made.


When a change is only in a single file, its easy find the way to see/change/update it.


So, it's easy to find the:


Who made a given change?

When did they make it?

Why did they make it?


But when there are modifications in several files (some bugs or global changes) I can't find the way to see:


What other changes did they make at the same time?


I try to see into the CVS help the way to find the answer of this question, but I'm unable to get it.


I see the CVS server 'browsing' in http://cvs.oscommerce.com


May be I must access through anonymous access, but I find a little confussing the steps of 'anonymous access' explaining into the 'http://www.oscommerce.com/community/cvs' page.

I went to SunSite.dk, I tryed to log into the osCommerce project but there are no page to make a 'anonymous access', but there are a link to osCommerce page.


May somebody help me to get the solution?


All the best.




Hi Antonio,


I think this is a CVS question and not an osCommerce question, but let me try and

help out.


"cvs status" is what your looking for, I believe. This will get a list of files that

have changed against your current working copy. You'll be looking for files

that are changed, and depending on your client will be the way you search for



When tracking a project through CVS, you usually pick a branch or Tag that

you want to follow. Then, if you want to move to the latest version of files,

to be up to date, simply run "cvs update".


I'm not sure about the way that the CVS repository is run for osCommerce,

but in all the projects I've been involved with, it was always crucial that whatever

was in CVS built properly, so you should never get into trouble doing this.


There are some great visual tools for CVS, it looks like you might want to

fiddle with one of those as well. CVSWeb is a great documentation tool,

but you can get lost looking at some of the files for the project.


Hope this helps.




Thanks for your explanations... but I hope it don't help fully my questions.


Dear Jerry and Jeff:


Agree with you that questions about CVS is not a good place to place into this forum, but I think there are here people (apart of the develop. team) that use it and I SUSPECT that is not the way that the info in 'http://www.oscommerce.com/community/cvs' explain.


I understand the procedure you explain concerning the 'working logic' of a CVS server. I'm able to see the file changes also in a 'graphic mode' but it don't help me.


Why? I don't want to make 'blind-updates' without know why and where are the changes doing.


I have a lot of modified files, so I can't update but edit these files.


I put a example (sorry my ultra-bad English...):


1.- I try to see if my admin/backup.php is 'up to date' or not. So I go to: http://cvs.oscommerce.com/viewcvs.cgi/admin/admin/backup.php


2.- I have v.160 (MS2) and there are a new one (ver.161).


3.- There are a 'Log: Remove hardcoded table names (bug 976)'. So, seeing the file I understand that this change afect ONLY to this file. So I'm able to update the file with a almost 100% sucessfully.


Snd Example (to Jeff):


1.- I try to check my admin/cache.php


2.- I have v. 1.23 and the newest version is the 1.25. (I see it in



3.- Terror! The caching class is changing! I see into the 'Log: clear the cache with the catalog caching class' (I see also if I see into the file...).


And now the 'big question':


How I find ALL THE FILES affected by this change?. May be the dev. put into all these files the same 'log', but I can't find the way to ask to de CVS database this....


Also I'm agree with you, Jeff, that some changes in classes an other stuff would be 'dangerous' to update but I have not the oportunity to see If this will be dangerous or usefull because I can't see the scope of the change.


Thanks a lot for your help/comments.


May be you may help me with the 'big question' of the snd example'?




There is no way to see all affected files for a single commit as CVS doesnt use attomic commits.


You can use the date option of cvs update to get all changes in a certain time period however.

Mark Evans

osCommerce Monkey & Lead Guitarist for "Sparky + the Monkeys" (Album on sale in all good record shops)



Software is like sex: It's better when it's free. (Linus Torvalds)


Dear Mark:


There is no way to see all affected files for a single commit as CVS doesnt use attomic commits.


Thanks for your clear (and sad) answer.


You can use the date option of cvs update to get all changes in a certain time period however.


A promise paragraph! But you don't explain exactly where find this. It's not so bad, because I must be forced to try to find 'where'.


I hope you says in: osCommerce CVS Commit Archive List of Folders. Right? It is the place where the changes in the last 3 months are show.


I found (after some surfings and re-surfings) that there are a complete report list of this at: Project: osCommerce: Mailing Lists. Another 'almost exoteric place for the non developers' where you may get the progress/changes in every month. It seems to be more clear about the 'global canges' that the promised http://cvs.oscommerce.com.


Please if that places are not the places you sugest, please inform me (us).


At the end I am thinking in this:


1.- It seems that are 2 kind of 'osCommercers': People who try to use it to sell and wit a lack of level of PHP/MYSQL and people that work a lot/well to make a good soft.


2.- Why the CVS server is recomended to the 'For osCommerce Developers' and not for all people? May be because all we are not the time to read the complete server? May be its more a tool for development than a place to find the bugs/updates that we should do into our corresponding webs? I thing that is a little irritating that 'all the info is here' but the way to manage/display is not usefull to people that are not 'developer'.


3.- The bugs secction (Bug Reports) its a good place to see all the bugs, but they are unable to sort it with date, osC version, status of the bogus and, the more sad, in not all the cases the solution is founded there. When somebody writes 'Solved in CVS' may be so good to write 'info found in the place recomended for developers'.


Well, I stop to protest. My personal sugestion(s)?


1.- Why no create a place where a user of ocC may find all the changes that should be interesting to do into their personal version of osCommerce? If there are a bug or improvement interesting to run better the soft, why no show / list it in a clear place? May be in Tips & Tricks section? Better in a new section 'Patches or improvements of your favorite osC' or 'the development team recomends'? I hope this section should be populated with te people that make the changes / improvements, but if people like me (with a low level or English, PHP, MYSQL...) are able to colaborate, I try to do!


2.- CVS server: ok, ok its for developers so no changes should be made! I understand that is a place to kept the files updated and not a good place to find what changes I must do to update my osCommerce.


3.- If the point 1.- are not possible, may be somebody may put the 'sort' option of the fields 'version', 'status' (also filtering of this) and add 'date' (sorting). I think the file needs 12 lines of code for this improvement...


May be the last paragraphs should be placed into 'Features and Suggestions' more than here, but I think is more logic claim and try to suggest in the same time/place.


I would like to update (it if is possible) my MS2.2 with the corrections of code that are available. If this may help to others, I try to share but I don't know where and how write this 'duplicate' info that are 'encripted' into the bug-CVS secctions. :blink:




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