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The e-commerce.

Turn off commerce features?


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I would like to setup os commerce with just a product catalog at the moment, and possibly enable the ecommerce/payment features later on.


I've trawelled thru the forums, to no avail.


Does any1 know how this can be done?


I think you'd probably want to get a contribution that hides the price, http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,1826


Then modify the appropriate files to take out the cart and checkout info. I don't know all the files you'd have to modify, but I'm pretty sure you'd have to change or comment out stuff in column_left.php, index.php, and header.php.



Check out http://www.oscommerce.info and http://oscdox.com


why dont you just go through the site and comment out all the lines that allow you to add stuff to the cart and view/create your account and what not, then you can easily add the functionality later, instead of having to put all the code back in.




If I was crafty, this would be a funny signature.


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