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Major Admin issues


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Im not sure whats happened but now when ever I modify anything in the admin area it basically erases that related information from the database and wont update




select option true or false for any field and when the page relods there is nothing there in the spot where it should say true or false after checking the db the field has been emptied and I have to manually edit database.


This is happening with everything, I cant add products as it wont accept file for upload(image) and when I click update it clears all existing product information.


I have no idea what I must have done


Any ideas would very muchly appreciated

Its not a computer its a life management system!


Sorry I'm not gonna answer you <_< but just group the questions.


My problem is similar, but everything is working apart from an option I added in the administration tool, group : configuration. It's a theme system i'm developping and i'm gonna submit it as soon as it's finished (it shouldn't be long).


My problem is the same than Altec, when I wanna update my option (choose a theme among several) the value is just emptied from the database. And everything else is working.


I suppose it comes from /admin/configuration.php, in case "save" : $HTTP_POST_VARS['configuration_value'] might be empty for my specific option and filled for anything else. (Altec : it could be the reason, i'm not sure)


Do U have any idea ? I'm sure it will help both Altec and me.


Yep I found my problem bout 10 mins ago it was a .htaccess file I added this morning that changed the url from domain.com to www.domain.com to aid my ssl certificate, now I have to find another way around that problem. I disabled the .htaccess file and it all worked again in the back end

Its not a computer its a life management system!


I just renamed it so it wouldnt be read


eg changed from .htaccess to blah


then everything werked again

Its not a computer its a life management system!


Thank you, but my problem doesn't come from the .htaccess file. We just had nearly the same problem but for different reasons. You found yours, but I didn't find mine... :(


Anyone can help ?


B) B) B) B)


I FINALLY solved my problem... Yipiieeeeeee !


But it took me days and days... <_<


But at last it's working !


Thanks to you all, and good luck every body

  • 3 months later...
B)  B)  B)  B)


I FINALLY solved my problem... Yipiieeeeeee !


But it took me days and days...  <_<


But at last it's working !


Thanks to you all, and good luck every body


Hi DjebbZ


I have 2 textareas that I have added to customers.php in admin. They are doing the same thing. If I enter the information in CreateAcct.php and accountedit.php it updates the database and displays on the refresh. When I go to admin and view the customer the data is there. If I cancel and reenter edit mode the data is there. However ... if I hit update the data disappears from the DB on these two fields. Here is my code snippet for one of the two boxes.

             <td class="main">
              if ($processed == true) {
              echo $cInfo->customers_medications . tep_draw_hidden_field('customers_medications');
                 } else {
               echo tep_draw_textarea_field('medications', 'soft', 70, 5, $cInfo->customers_medications, (($file_writeable) ? '' : 'readonly')) . ' ' . (tep_not_null(ENTRY_MEDICATIONS_TEXT) ? '<span class="inputRequirement">' . ENTRY_MEDICATIONS_TEXT . '</span>': '');


Any ideas? I am sure I have overlooked something obvious ... as usual. :D



"The man of genius makes no mistakes. His errors are volitional and are the portals of discovery." James Joyce (1882?1941)


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