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The e-commerce.

Looking for solution..


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Hello everyone,

osCommerce is really nice solution, something I never heard about but very usable :).

Well, I have two questions:


1: How do I disable shoping card at all? (catalog will be online and orders by e-mail/phone)


2: How do I add items and program a timer? So, for example I add a Monitor and set that it will dissapear in two weeks. Is there any module which does such customization?


Many Thanks.


1) hide all order buttons / referrals to the order system, disable any loose pages like checkout_*


2) hack the code to use the Available date as a maximum display date instead.

Make use of the 'auto_expire' function that is also used for banners to automagically set your over due products disabled.


It will require some coding knowledge but it is do-able by all means.




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