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Changing the corner_left.gif in the layout

Darth Evad

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I have made new .gif's for the box 'tops'. I would like to replace the corner_right_left.gif to the appropriate left or right .gif depending on whether corner_right_left.gif is on the left or right.


Does that make sense?


In other words I don't want to use right_left anymore. Which files do I need to edit to change this? I have looked through about 20 of them. heh...


Go to catalog/includes/classes/boxes.php And look for


class infoBoxHeading extends tableBox {


You'll see the two places to specify the corner images.


$left_corner = tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'infobox/corner_left.gif');





$right_corner = $right_arrow . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'infobox/corner_right.gif');


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