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Cookie Path, SSL


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I have to change the configuration to my new SSL path, and was wondering how to set up the "HTTP Cookie Path", "HTTP Cookie Domain", etc.


What exactly is the cookie path? How do I know what to put in this field?




Straight from the documentation:


Step 4

Please enter the web server information:


WWW Address - http://www.example.com/catalog/

The full website address to the online store

The web address to the online store, for example http://www.example.com/catalog/


Webserver Root Directory - /home/username/public_html/catalog/

The server path to the online store

The directory where osCommerce is installed on the server, for example /home/myname/public_html/osCommerce/


HTTP Cookie Domain - www.example.com

The domain to store cookies in

The full or top-level domain to store the cookies in, for example www.my-server.com


HTTP Cookie Path - /catalog/

The path to store cookies under

The web address to limit the cookie to, for example /catalog/


Enable SSL Connections - if you have ssl enable this

Enable secure SSL/HTTPS connections (requires a secure certificate installed on the web server)


Click the "Continue" Button ...


Thanks, but I'm still not sure what to enter under the HTTPS paths. Should it be the full HTTPS url instead of just '/catalog/' ? I installed a Security Certificate, decided to Force Cookies for security, and I get errors telling me that my browser doesn't support cookies. I know this is incorrect, and have checked on 3 browsers: IE 5.2 for Mac, Safari, and Netscape 7. I get cookies from plenty of sites I use, but this one is not working properly, and I'm not sure if it has to do with installing the certificate.


In the config file, the paths I'm concerned with are: HTTPS_COOKIE_PATH / HTTPS_COOKIE_DOMAIN and whether or not I'm supposed to change anything else because of the certificate.


I noticed that the "Cart Contents" link is not secured, but the rest seems ok.


Thanks for responding.

Thanks, but I'm still not sure what to enter under the HTTPS paths. Should it be the full HTTPS url instead of just '/catalog/' ? I installed a Security Certificate, decided to Force Cookies for security, and I get errors telling me that my browser doesn't support cookies.

The people who wrote the document above your post knew what they were doing and you can be sure that if it was wrong someone else would have caught it. Follow the directions.


Set it up like that and it will work unless you have some special, unusual situation. And don't force cookies, that's a special case scenario.

Local: Mac OS X 10.5.8 - Apache 2.2/php 5.3.0/MySQL 5.4.10 • Web Servers: Linux

Tools: BBEdit, Coda, Versions (Subversion), Sequel Pro (db management)


Thanks. Reason I was asking is that I'm having problems with a payment module, and wasn't sure if I entered the info wrong in the config. But, apparently it's some other problem (with the module itself)...


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