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URGENT help needed. (pay gateway)


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I'm using paradata paygateway and using the contribution http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,1592/


I did a few test orders, and the orders goes thru to my processor fine.


But a few values are NOT being passed to the processor!!


- coupon discounts and vouchers

- the entire billing address


both of these are NOT being passed to the credit card processor.


I don't know how to fix this. I can't process without being able to pass these values to the processor. can someone please help??




I am also using that payment module. I am having trouble, and getting a "connect failed" error when I try to process an order. Can you tell me how you were able to tell that your values are not being sent? Perhaps our two problems are similar, and I may be able to fix them with a little more information.

  • 1 month later...

Anyone have any luck with this payment contribution?


Our client decided to got with paradata and i am struggling with getting this one working.


I am experiencing something similar where most data is getting through except some billing information (the address), the oscommerce orderid number and who knows what else.


Also, no matter what i submit to paradata, my orders are being 'approved' and oscommerce is confirming my orders. Which is troubling.


Wacky stuff i tell you. I just wanted to check in and see if anyone had any luck here before i really start tearing into this. Which will cause me pain :)


For posterities sake, i am going to document my journey for others ot learn from. So let the mindless babble begin!


So, I made some progress. I was able to get the customer billing information and such to send over to paradata successfully. I also had luck with getting invalid credit card numbers (with valid checksums) to get declined by paradata - which is good, i just have to add in some code to display the error / declined message.


However, here is the issue i am now muddling through: if i use a real credit card number with a bogus CVV or expriation date, it seems paradata is not rejecting these - and Oscommerce is completing the order.


Looking at my transactions in the paradata management console, the transactions look like they are both approved and rejected, and it looks like money is getting transferred around. I am probably just confused on that aspect of it.


But the problem of verification and oscommerce knowing what to remains.


Onwards i suppose.


Ok, after some correspondence with Paradata, i have come to a conclusion: this not a payment gateway that one would want to use for an ecommerce site.


I think this can be best summed up via the last emails exchanged:


My email:

If you are able to view transactions i have, take a look at  Order 
xxxxxxxx - this order has a valid credit card number - but the name, 
billing address, card expiration date and cvv are all fake - the problem 
i see is that I got an "Approved" response code with this info.   Should 
I be seeking out other response codes instead?  It seems a credit card 
number with at least just the expiration date wrong should not be 
approved.  Or am i missing something completely here? 

Also, [quoted from their last email] "Transactions not matching the AVS will not stop a transaction" - 
reading through the docs provided, i seems that i may be able get a 
success code of sorts (and the CVV as well) back from you - and if that 
is the case, how can I not process the transaction if the AVS or CVV is 


Their response:

Transactions with a valid credit card number can still be processed
regardless of what expiration date and what cvv are entered because
some issuing banks do not even check against those values, but only
the card number itself.  In the case of an issuing bank like this,
they will always allow for the transactions to process.

As for the AVS and CVV, transactions will not be prevented.  What they
will do, is return a CVV and AVS Response code which you can then handle
the transaction accordingly.  

I suggest one of two things...

You can either void the transaction using your API, or, you can use the
coding in your API to email the administrator saying that this specific
transaction did not pass AVS and CVV checks, and to please review the
order.  That way, the administrator has the ability to void that 
transaction through the MSC before the batch settles.

Another option, which some may use is to send the transactions as a preauth
first for a penny, then if it passes the CVV and AVS checks, then continue 
on and send a purchase for the full amount.  However, using this method you
will pay whatever the per transaction fee you might have setup.

If you have further questions or comments, please let me know.


So, in summary - if the card number is valid and everything else is NOT valid, the transaction is going to come back approved and it is going to be processed by paradata. And the two solutions presented are not exactly great for a self sufficient shopping cart system.

  • 1 year later...

Has anyone gotten the Paradata gateway to work properly. This is an old post...not sure if the posts here are still accurate.


I am not able to get tranactions to be processed.




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