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Download link from Product Page


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Can anyone show me, or point me in the right direction, on how to put a download link for a PDF file that would have technical information about a product from the product page?


Please ? :huh:


yes...When you are typing in the product description include the following:


<a href="PDF/yourpdffile.pdf"><u><font color="red"><B>Want ALL The Specifications? Download The PDF!!</B></font></u></a>



This code does a few things. First, it assumes you have a PDF file in your catalog. I created a file called "PDF" and upload all my pdf's to this file to better organize. If you put them in images or wherever just change <a href="pdf"....> the pdf part to the file you put them in. Secondly, the font color is red. You can change this and it will turn the link a different color. its in red because thats how mine are so people see them. The "want all the specs...." part is what the link actually says (what your visitors will see). <b> is bold, <u> is underline...the </b> and </u> close them out...



Patrick Bailey



Thanks for the info. I wasn't aware when I posted this that you could put HTML code in the product description. Still trying to figure out the structure and such, alot to look over :)


If possible is there another way to do it? I'd like it to show up with the other part attributes. Can I set an attribute, then put in the HTML code to download the PDF?


The reason is I'd like it to be in line with the other attributes. If not, then no biggie.


I've never tried to upload a PDF as an attribute. I suppose it could be done, although i have no idea how. What I would do is put it at the very bottom of your product description so that its near the bottom of the page. If you leave the "manufacturers URL" blank, than it should be right above all the attributes. If you know how to use html than you can make the PDF indented and all that so that it lines up. You could try putting the <a href...>title</a> into the attribute thing, but i'm not sure that it will work. Let me know if it does, because i may use it...



Patrick Bailey



Couldn't get it to work. I do think that a modification of the contribution option_type_feature_v1.6 might work...but I'm not quite sure how to do it. I already have it installed...


I think it would entail adding another option type in the same files as the contribution and adding something to the database tables.


I wouldn't necessarily want to upload the pdf, just put the link in there. That way I think I'd be able to keep track of them better.


How about trying this code:


Technical info for <a href="/PDF/your_pdf-file.pdf" target="blank"><font color="#CE0000">TITLE HERE</font></a>


Technical info for <a href="/PDF/your_pdf-file.pdf" target="new"><font color="#CE0000">TITLE HERE</font></a>


Make a folder named PDF so you have control.


I found a contribution called Product Extra Fields. You can add extra fields and put html in them. It places the field at the top, but in my case I like it there. FYI.


Hmmmm. Maybe I spoke to soon. It's messing up the html, putting slashes in there and messing up the link.


Magic Quotes or something? How can I get around this?


Any ideas?


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