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Strange Order Problem


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I had a customer make an order yesterday and he does not show up in the customers, or orders table.


I only know about the order from the email notification and the confirmed charge at Authorize.net.


Has anyone had this problem before?


I can not find any posts relating to this or I am not searching for the correct topic.


Please let me know if you know any reason this can happen.


Thank You For You Assistance



I do not have one defined out on auth.net site, but after the order process customers and all my manual orders do get sent back to my store confirmation page.


Interesting, I have made several posts about not recieving cc data in my database

middle 8 and 1st and last 4 in email. I do not get any of them, and no replys to my posts on the problem.


Do you think that it is related to not having a hardcoded response url in auth.net settings?


I sure need to capture the cc info for rebilling.


I was going to do a full os upgrade to try to fix any errors.


take a look




thanks for your help.


Thanks - checkout_process.php


I tried both and process worked.


thanks again.



Any idea why I am not getting the cc data?

none in database and none in email order notifications.


I have an email address specified, I do get order emails they just do not have the 1st and last 4 of the cc#?????





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