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I was having a huge problem integrating the hcl (Help Center Live) code into osc. Trouble between secure pages and non-secure pages. The coding that fixed my problems:


Header coding:


<!-- BEGIN Help Center Live Code, ? Michael Bird 2004 -->

<?php if (ereg('authsecure.com', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) {


} else {




<div id="HCLInitiate" style="position:absolute; z-index:1; top: 40%; left:40%; visibility: hidden;"><a href="java script:initiate_accept()"><img src="<?php echo $useline; ?>/catalog/images/hcl/initiate.gif" border="0"></a><br><a href="java script:initiate_decline()"><img src="<?php echo $useline; ?>/catalog/images/hcl/initiate_close.gif" border="0"></a></div>

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="<?php echo $useline; ?>/hcl/lh/live.php?text=x"></script>

<?php unset($useline); ?>

<!-- END Help Center Live Code, ? Michael Bird 2004 -->


(image paths above. change to your paths)



config file coding:



// General config



// The full URL to the directory Help Center Live is in.

// Make sure you do not include a trailing slash '/'

// e.g's:

// Strict non-SSL Site - $URL_maindir = "http://www.example.com/hcl";

// Strict SSL Site - $URL_maindir = "https://www.example.com/hcl";

// Mixed SSL / non-SSL Site - $URL_maindir = "//www.example.com/hcl";

// Status bar only appears in chat windows when in strict SSL mode

// It does not appear in mixed SSL mode as it cannot be verified whether

// the operator is using an SSL connection as well as the visitor.

if (ereg('authsecure.com', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) {

$URL_maindir = "https://your_secure_address.com/hcl";

} else {

$URL_maindir = "http://www.domainaddress.com/hcl";



We do not have our own secure certificate. We are using our hosting company's certificate that they offer for the time being. So I believe it forced us to use the coding above. You may not need the above code if you have your own secure certificate.


Thanks to WebOnce at Help Center Live Forum for his codes that made hcl run smoothly on our website. Help Center Live Support Forum.


The HCL and WinApp is absolutely wonderful. They work well together. Keep track of pages being hit, follow your customers paths, view pages they are viewing at the same time, initiate chat, answer a request to chat and more...


Hope the code above helps you as it helped us.



ProGroom: Pet Grooming Equipment, Supplies and Apparel

  • 2 weeks later...

You did GOOD!


I have been trying to find help with this for days....



  • 3 weeks later...

Download, Installed the latest version, followed the instruction above but could not get the secure and unsecure prompt with Internet explorer. If anyone get it to work please share your code :) . Thanks




I am one of the HCL developers.


Could you please provide me with some more information as to your setup?






Hi WebOnce, Thanks for response I just got it figured out. The problem I had was in this line

<?php if (ereg('authsecure.com', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) {
it suppose to be
<?php if (ereg('your_domain_name.com', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) {
  • 2 weeks later...

Well, the error secure prompt come up again. I am not sure what trigger it here is my header code. I am using the no-ip.com client for my test lab machine. It should not be the issuse for not having the static ip right?.


<!--BEGIN Help Center Live Code, © Michael Bird 2004//!-->

<?php if (ereg('no-ip.com', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) {


else {



<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="<?php echo $useline; ?>/hcl/lh/live.php?text=x"></script>

<?php unset($useline); ?>

<!-- END Help Center Live Code,? Michael Bird 2004//--></font></p>


and here is my hcl configure code



// General config



// The full URL to the directory Help Center Live is in.

// Make sure you do not include a trailing slash '/'

// e.g's:

// Strict non-SSL Site - $URL_maindir = "http://www.example.com/hcl";

// Strict SSL Site - $URL_maindir = "https://www.example.com/hcl";

// Mixed SSL / non-SSL Site - $URL_maindir = "//www.example.com/hcl";

// Status bar only appears in chat windows when in strict SSL mode

// It does not appear in mixed SSL mode as it cannot be verified whether

// the operator is using an SSL connection as well as the visitor.

$URL_maindir = "//tranpc.no-ip.com/hcl";



Any idea?


<?php if (ereg('no-ip.com', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) {
else {


Should probably be...


<?php if (ereg('https:', $_SERVER["SCRIPT_URI"])) {
else {


<?php if (ereg('https:', $_SERVER["SCRIPT_URI"])) {


else {





The prompt will go away if I forced both url to be on ssl. Must be some thing with the no-ip domain name?


Thanks WebOnce. You rock!.

  • 6 years later...

i know this topic is extremely old but i am not sure where else to post this. i was just wondering where you are putting your php information to make this work for a site with ssl thanks in advance


All the people who have previously posted in this thread haven't logged in for years and are unlikely to respond.


You question is a little vague, at least to me.


If you can suppply more information on exactly what it is you need to know maybe I or someone else can help.


If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


"Given enough impetus a parallelogramatically shaped projectile can egress a circular orifice."

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"Headers already sent" - The definitive help


"Cannot redeclare ..." - How to find/fix it


SSL Implementation Help


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thank you for the response. i realize this is a oscommerce forum but really my problem is not with help center live and oscommerce it is just help center live and my site but this is the only forum i found that had a thread close to an answer i was looking for. i would like for site to be completely ssl secured instead of just my order page the one thing that is keeping my site from being secure is the help center live code it states that it is a non secure image. do you know how i might be able to fix this problem https://www.topspeednetworks.com/wordpress/


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