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Newbie help... Parse error on line 13 (TEXT MAIN)


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Ok, I'm getting really frustrated. I went into TOOLS > FILE MANAGER to update the index.php and I did a test and I made one change to a single character of text and it comes up with this error:


Parse error: parse error in /home/mynamehere/public_html/catalog/includes/languages/english/index.php on line 13


Then there is 2 funny looking headings


Instead of "What's New Here?" it has "HEADING_TITLE" and instead of the "This is a default setup of the osCommerce project..." there is "TEXT_MAIN". I only changed one letter in the first sentence and now I get this error. How on earth am I supposed to edit the front page?? any help would be greatly appreciated!


define('TEXT_MAIN', '');



start with this, will make it easier on you.


aaaahhh, i had to delete all the text and just leave that code and then it doesn't error out-- thanks a bunch... now i just need to figure out how to change the 'HEADING_TITLE' and 'TABLE_HEADING_NEW_PRODUCTS'


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