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The e-commerce.

header tags?


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hi, bit of a silly one, what should i put in each of these fields? these are some of the headings in EP. Im guessing they are related to the header tag controller?


what is best to put in them?








ps. this is my first site, and as such my first attempt at seo, so go easy ;)

"because it'll hurt more"- the greatest film of all time?


title - usually store name and tagline if there is one.

desc - description of store/what is sells does.

keywords - words specific to the business which maybe used nby someone in a search engine to find your products.


Have a look here: http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showforum=14 at other stores. when you get onto the homepages choose view/source from your explorer menu to see what they used as an example.


N.B. not all stores will have implemented these though - so just find ones that do.

Your online success is Paramount.


i am getting confused because i need to fill in this info for each product?


so should i put them all the same?

"because it'll hurt more"- the greatest film of all time?


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