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www.barada-online.com was up and running beautiful. Until, that is, I checked on it a couple minutes ago--and it's very much dead. It assures me that


1017 - Can't find file: './barada_osc1/configuration.frm' (errno: 13)


select configuration_key as cfgKey, configuration_value as cfgValue from configuration





when I know damned well there's no such place as ./barada_osc1/anything. It gives this error both at the catalog root and the admin root...which is a bad thing.


anyone have a quick fix? Or is my client gonna go find a new webmaster?





i had that same error


the "barada_osc1" is your database location


I had to open the admin/includes/configure.php and change the user name and password at the bottom. and also add a new user to the Cpanel to access the database. Somehow my webhost change it for me when they upgraded the servers (I changed webhost and haven't had that problem since). If it were me, I'd restore your database through PHPmyadmin


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