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Broken Image Links


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I'm a newbie. Just did the first installation of OsCommerce, and I'm loving it so far.

A few images do not show up, and it's probably just img link problems, but I don't know which files contain the links.


The first one is product images in the Order History box. Here's what I mean:



And the second one is the Success.gif image that comes up upon changing your password. This is what I mean:



I'm running a fresh installation of OsCOmmerce 2.2ms2, and I did just a few customization to /language/english.php and /language/english/index.php, but I don't think I changed anything that caused the links to break.


Thanks in advance for replying.


If those are the only images that are not appearing, first check that they exist on your server.


If they do exist, upload and overwrite them as they are most likely corrupt.

"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." - A. Einstein


Hi, thanks for the quick reply.


For the success.gif image, the problem is with the link. I did a view source on the "Password Change Success" page, and it's showing that the link points to "/icons/success.gif", while the image is actually located in "/images/icons/success.gif".


So it seems that I need to change that img link, but I don't know where I can modify it.


Help please.


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