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Erroe Messages ( cant fix them )


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I have 2 error messages at the top of my screen that are in res that are preventing my store from working


Warning: Installation directory exists at: /hsphere/local/home/daddyuni/daddyuniv.com/catalog/install. Please remove this directory for security reasons.



and the other says Warning: The downloadable products directory does not exist: /hsphere/local/home/daddyuni/daddyuniv.com/catalogdownload/. Downloadable products will not work until this directory is valid.


Do i need a php editor to change the directorys or something and if so what editor and what do i change to fix it so my shop is line


thanks for your help in advance



Access your server with an ftp program and rename the catalog/install folder something else (e.g. catalog/_install) or delete it. Once you have completed the installation steps you no longer need this folder.


Then access catalog/includes/configure.php and edit the DIR_WS_CATALOG define to have a trailing /

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