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The e-commerce.

Performance Problem


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I'm Starting to use oscommerce for a company that will hold up to 9000 items in about 1500 categories and sub categories. But when I start to add them to de DB is getting slower and slower and I only have 600 items in for now.


Could be this amount of items too mouch for oscommerce?


I try with cache, persistent connections on and off (do not know exactly if it would help), reducing the number of categories to 800 but nothing is improving it.

I appreciate if some one could give some advice on that or where can I look for some tips


the site is now on www.saiccorp.com/catalog






thanks for your answer

how can I be sure if it is a host problem

is there a way or a test that I can run to see if it is the case



in your configure.php files you need to edit out the // and make it /

do this by taking off the / at the end of your URL in the configure.php files in


and admin/includes/configure.php

You can see what I'm talking about if you hover the mouse over a link in the category box and look at the link at the bottom of the browser...




That may help some...


Ensure that Show Category Counts is false in Admin ~ Configuration ~ My Store.


You will definitely want to use persistant connections both for MySQL and Apache.


If you are running MySQL 4 you should enable query caching. (Search the tips and tricks forum for topics by me).


Definitely add some indexes to the database to improve query performance. (Search the tips and tricks forum for topics by me).


You can contact your host's support department and inquire how many sites are running on the server that your site is on and they should tell you an exact number. If they are not willing then the server is definitely overloaded and they know it and you might want to consider going to a better host.

"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." - A. Einstein


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