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Adding field to create_account.php


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What I'm trying to do is this: I need to add a field under the "Your address" section of the create_account.php file. Currently, there is a field called "Company Name" and I need to add one underneath it called "Department Name."


Is there an easy way to go about this? I've searched the forums with no luck...in fact, I didn't even find anything close.


I realize this would probably require adding fields to the database and stuff like that but I haven't quite made it that far with osC yet. Any helpful tips/info would be very much appreciated.




Is there maybe a contribution relating to this that someone knows of? I browsed the contrib section on the forum as well as on the main osC site but I didn't find anything...anybody else?


Since the commerce section of the site is supposed to go live in just a few days, we'd be willing to pay for this to be done.


Just send a PM with your estimate...


Any takers?


There is a contribution called "Second Address Line". It's a very very lengthy mod mainly for the reason it has to be added to so many places but it looked easy enough. Either just modify that mod to your likings, or find every reference of Company Name, copy it, then create the new field in your Database.



Kenneth S


Customer "Are you a real programmer?"

Me "No, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night"




Thank you SO MUCH for your reply. I will certainly do my best to take advantage of this mod which I never even saw! (And you have no idea how long I've been banging my head against this strange metallic/wooden desk trying to figure this out)


Again, thank you SO MUCH!


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