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The e-commerce.

Almost Live!!


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Our site is almost live yes, after 5 months of adding code , and deleting code the E-commerce portion of our stores is almost done. (Thank god cause I am so sick of working on it, I am an IT guy and have not been able to get to my other work for almost 4 1/2 months).


I would appreciate people testing out the site and validating that everything works. I personally have a very biased opinion on this as I have worked on it for so long.



1. How is the look and feel?

2. Is it relitivly easy to use?

3. Does it give you enough information about the products.

4. Were you able to find what you where looking for?

5. How is the prices?

6. Should the news stay or go?

7. What about the polls (registered customers only)



And anything else you can throw in there.


Thank you guys so much in advance for all you're help. If anyone wants to know how I did something just ask and I would be happy to let you know.




Hey, not too bad. the site loads quick


Few things,

How come you dont include the product image in product_info? I would want to see more images.


All the stock os buttons need to be changed/edited. Right now, you can see white around the corners, and it makes the site look a little second rate.


Something needs to be done about the category views. Just showing 9 balls with the name of the category doesn't work. For some categories, you only had one subcategory so that also seems like a waste of time and clicks for the user, unless you plan on adding more categories, take them out.



If I was crafty, this would be a funny signature.


Slight Oversight I commented out the javascript section of the image dispay for a breif period. Try again!!


You've come a long way since thel last time you posted this site. And that's good. But I still don't get a sense of the vast selection you have until I drill down two levels. Have you tried working in some of the logos of the big companies you represent? I think that would be reassuring to your new customers.


I think your store would look "nicer" if the background box head image was a softer blue. And I don't see why it should be a graduated fill. Just flat would do.


But the site is functional with a ton of selections and that counts for a lot .


The click to enlarge is not centered under the image, its off to the left a bit.


The header area, I think needs a little work. try moving the quick search up there like in my site under the buttons. I dont think I like how the image suddenly ends and the blue line is half way in the middle. MO though.


Also the buttons, even know they are huge, are hard to see since they are the same color as the background that they are on.



If I was crafty, this would be a funny signature.


Ok fixed the misalignment,


The logo is probly not going to change as they had a company make that for them.


Keep the suggestions coming the more I know the more I can fix or change.


Take a look at your trash bags. The savings you advertise is preceeded with a negative sign (i.e. you are charging more than list).

Trash Bags 1


Trash Bags 2


You may want to look at all of your items and verify that they were entered correctly.


Our price was correct but the list pricing from the manufacturer was wrong. This has since been corrected.


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