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The e-commerce.

Clear URLs


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I was wondering if there's a way to force osCommerce to display clearn URLs. For example: instead of returning an URL such as:




I'd like to know if it's possible to have osCommerce output something like this instead:




where "Name-of-Product" is the actual name of the item displayed.


Right now I'm evaluating a CMS and this system boasts a feature like the above one. It's achievable by tweaking the .htaccess file. But since I'm not proficient with .htaccess I was wondering is the above is possible and how.


Thanks in advance for your reply.




Neko -


This could be done, but it would not be a simple modification.


It may be something you could do with relatively little pain with a single page, like product_info.php; but a system-wide change to name rather than number references would be, I believe, a real hair-puller.




A populare contribution that works for me is:


SEF Link Transformer


I am definately not the author, but I love the contribution and would highly recommend it.

You can see it in action on my site: http://www.pawstoshop.com/product2275/product_info.html


Spoot is correct when he says the changes are extensive, especially if you plan to hardcode everything manually. Try the contribution above on your test server. It took me only a few minutes to install.




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