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Installation - newbee


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Please help me, at the 2nd step of web installation, I got mesaage :


Cannot connect to database server.


I have enterd the right username and password for database server. Anyone can help me ?


Thank you

Best regards


Cannot connect to database server.


I have enterd the right username and password for database server. Anyone can help me ?

:( Well, since the error you got can be caused by:

  • Incorrect Database servername:port
  • Incorrect Username, password combination
  • Username does not have sufficient permissions
  • database name used does not exist (which will happen if the user name does not have permission to create a database)
  • username is not valid from the host connecting to the database (or does not have the right permissions)

And you say the second item is correct, that still leaves you the rest to check on.




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