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The e-commerce.

newsletter I think


Recommended Posts


Here is a e-mail that one of my users got


You can now take part in the various services we have to offer you. Some of these services include:



Permanent Cart - Any products added to your online cart remain there until you remove them, or check them out.


Address Book - We can now deliver your products to another address other than yours! This is perfect to send birthday gifts direct to the birthday-person themselves.


Order History - View your history of purchases that you have made with us.


Products Reviews - Share your opinions on products with our other customers.


For help with any of our online services, please email the store-owner


Any ideas of how they got this?

Any ideas of how they got this?

Yeah, they established an account.


Ever test the store yourself?

Local: Mac OS X 10.5.8 - Apache 2.2/php 5.3.0/MySQL 5.4.10 • Web Servers: Linux

Tools: BBEdit, Coda, Versions (Subversion), Sequel Pro (db management)


Yes I have tested and created may accounts, but the mail never worked right, Now we are on a Suse Linux and everything is working right.





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