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okies... problem:


customer orders item; item processed; but item doesn't add on the base price.


u see, some items in the same catergory has a base price. its suppose to add the difference from the actual item from the base model.




customer only wants product x1


product x = $5

product x1 = $12


appears on site:


product x = $5

product x1 = $7 + $5 (product x)

total = $12


now, problem: only recently (since last weekend) the total of purchase would = $7


it wouldn't add the base price!!! what could be the problem???


i can't have customers buying at such ridiculous prices!!!


is it worth putting the site down for a while until i can resolve the problem or is this a quick fix???


help ppuuhhhllleeeaassee!


Have you changed anything? What contributions are you using? Does the error show when the customer gets to checkout and then does it go wrong or does it just go wrong from the beginning? A little more detail will help us help you.


Also, bumping posts is against forum rules. Someone will get to you, but please wait more then two hours before asking for help again.




have i changed anything: no


contribution: i don't understand what that is


does error show when customer checks out: yes it does... that's how i found out when the email replied for the sale


more details: i don't know what else is important... it just doesn't add the base price at all...


bumping: my apologies; so very sorry, but u do have to understand, it is quite urgent... i need to rectify the problem quite urgently... me desperate here




p.s. again so sorry


p.s.s. thanx for commenting vasttech


p.s.s.s. my apologies in advance for posting this msg


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