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i'm by not a noob to php or sql but I have been freakin out trying to get these auto thumbnailers to work on my set up....


anyone suggest a good autothumbnailer that has some support?


thanks Trev


what are the problems you are having with them? many successful people have installed them.


Yesss it seemed like people had... but I just wanted to check hehe... Well basically no image is being created with "automatic thumbnail creator v1.0" , no folder either. So basically I just don't think it is working at all...


do u think if my main cart is in ... www.domain.com/clothing

as a opposed to www.domain.com/catalog


that would make a huge difference


im going to check


but thanks for the reply


I'm having the same problem with v1.3. No imagecache folder is being created. I created the folder myself, but nothing was generated into it? It appears not to be working at all?


From the install text:


"Each picture in your Shop will be cached in the "/catalog/images/imagecache" directory in the right

size and with the same name as the original.

The size is set in the Admin panel under Configuration - Images.

These values are the max values. The thumbnail will be created in the right proportions.


The tumbnail will be created at the first time the picture is called in the Shop.

Once an thumbnail is created it will always be used until you change the size in the Admin panel."


Any thoughts would be appreciated.




Yes. Tried 755 & 777. Tried replacing the code. Still no images are being generated in imagecache? I really need this to work as I have over 1000 images.



Posted (edited)

The 1.0 does not create a folder - all the images are kept in the original folder.

Make sure you are using the right version for your version of osCommerce and that you have GD on your server

Edited by radders

radders, thanks for replying. Yes GD is installed on my server. Several questions come to mind. What is the correct version for 2.2ms? I tried v1.3. What original folder?




I wrote Thumbnail Generator and it works well for me and my clients. Have you tried that one?

Chris Sullivan


Chris, will the created thumbnails match the 'small' size attributes that are specified in admin/config/images?


When a customer 'clicks to enlarge', are they then getting the full size image, or is osc just resizing the thumbnail?





It's very easy to set whatever size you want. If the image is taller than it is wide, it will use the small image height to build the thumbnail (and vica versa). I have it using the thumbnail in the product listing...but you can use that part of the code and set it up for the specials box, what's new, product info, and all the other places which you have images. Your image in the product info page will still link to the original image.




Chris Sullivan


Thanks Chris, Am I correct in assuming that this will eliminate the sizing/resizing that goes on in osc? All thumbs will be used for product listings and all my full size images will be used for the 'click to enlarge', without any resizing being done by osc? My main concern is of course, speed. My cable connection is fast and this is not really an issue, but at 56k, which a lot of people still use is super slow. I really don't want to lose customers just because the pages load to slow. My current small size is set at 80 wide and 110 tall. My actual images are 320 wide by approx 460 tall.


And....How should admin/config/images 'calculate image size' be set? True or False?




  • 4 months later...

I added your "auto thumbnailer" contribution, but I get errors when I log into my admin and try to access the thumbnails page. Please read errors:


Warning: opendir(DIR_FS_CATALOGDIR_WS_IMAGES): failed to open dir: No such file or directory in /home/j0ker21m/public_html/store/admin/thumbs.php on line 56


Warning: readdir(): supplied argument is not a valid Directory resource in /home/j0ker21m/public_html/store/admin/thumbs.php on line 58


Warning: closedir(): supplied argument is not a valid Directory resource in /home/j0ker21m/public_html/store/admin/thumbs.php on line 67


Warning: opendir(DIR_FS_CATALOGDIR_WS_IMAGES): failed to open dir: No such file or directory in /home/j0ker21m/public_html/store/admin/thumbs.php on line 70


Warning: readdir(): supplied argument is not a valid Directory resource in /home/j0ker21m/public_html/store/admin/thumbs.php on line 72


Warning: closedir(): supplied argument is not a valid Directory resource in /home/j0ker21m/public_html/store/admin/thumbs.php on line 91


any suggestions on what I did wrong?


Where you have:



You should have:


Chris Sullivan


Where and how do I change that? The only code I see that calls for that is:


//You can change this to a different folder if you want to upload all your files to a temp folder 
//such as images/temp and than create an images/temp/thumbnails folder. You can always move the 
//images back to the main folder when you are done.
define('RESIZE_NEW_PATH', DIR_FS_CATALOG . DIR_WS_IMAGES);//'c:/pics/thumbnails/');
define('PIC_FOLDER', '');


One thing I notice is that you have a directory of 'c:/pics/. My server is not local and I dont save to the C: drive. Can you suggest what this should read?

Where you have:



You should have:



I can get this result If I put quotes around the directory like this:

define('RESIZE_NEW_PATH', "DIR_FS_CATALOG . DIR_WS_IMAGES");//'c:/pics/thumbnails/');
define('PIC_FOLDER', '');



After this, I get this error:



Warning: opendir(DIR_FS_CATALOG . DIR_WS_IMAGES): failed to open dir: No such file or directory in /home/j0ker21m/public_html/store/admin/thumbs.php on line 56


Warning: readdir(): supplied argument is not a valid Directory resource in /home/j0ker21m/public_html/store/admin/thumbs.php on line 58


Warning: closedir(): supplied argument is not a valid Directory resource in /home/j0ker21m/public_html/store/admin/thumbs.php on line 67


Warning: opendir(DIR_FS_CATALOG . DIR_WS_IMAGES): failed to open dir: No such file or directory in /home/j0ker21m/public_html/store/admin/thumbs.php on line 70


Warning: readdir(): supplied argument is not a valid Directory resource in /home/j0ker21m/public_html/store/admin/thumbs.php on line 72


Warning: closedir(): supplied argument is not a valid Directory resource in /home/j0ker21m/public_html/store/admin/thumbs.php on line 91


Any ideas on why my On The Fly Auto Thumbnailer using GD Library is making product info pictures twice the file size as the original when I size it down? Seems like there is an optimization setting I m missing somewhere. The image cache one worked well but I want to use one picture for everything


A 400x 300 picture should be no more than 12-19kb but it's 60kb vs. the orginial 32kb for a 600x480 picture.


Any ideas?

Where and how do I change that?  The only code I see that calls for that is:


//You can change this to a different folder if you want to upload all your files to a temp folder 
//such as images/temp and than create an images/temp/thumbnails folder. You can always move the 
//images back to the main folder when you are done.
define('RESIZE_NEW_PATH', DIR_FS_CATALOG . DIR_WS_IMAGES);//'c:/pics/thumbnails/');
define('PIC_FOLDER', '');


One thing I notice is that you have a directory of 'c:/pics/.  My server is not local and I dont save to the C: drive.  Can you suggest what this should read?


The first thing I would tell you to do is make sure that you are referencing the application_top.php file at the top of that code.


If your server is not local, you'll need to make sure that your configure files are referncing the proper file structure. For example, if your remote server is linux, setting the drive to C:/anything will not work.


Check those out and get back to us.

Chris Sullivan

Any ideas on why my On The Fly Auto Thumbnailer using GD Library is making product info pictures twice the file size as the original when I size it down? Seems like there is an optimization setting I m missing somewhere. The image cache one worked well but I want to use one picture for everything


A 400x 300 picture should be no more than 12-19kb but it's 60kb vs. the orginial 32kb for a 600x480 picture.


Any ideas?


I fixed by using ImageMagick resize mod. Killed the GD crap that doesn't work properly. I increased my image optimization so much it made my load times be cut in half!! :)

  • 2 weeks later...
Warning: opendir(DIR_FS_CATALOGDIR_WS_IMAGES): failed to open dir: No such file or directory in /home/j0ker21m/public_html/store/admin/thumbs.php on line 56


Warning: readdir(): supplied argument is not a valid Directory resource in /home/j0ker21m/public_html/store/admin/thumbs.php on line 58


Warning: closedir(): supplied argument is not a valid Directory resource in /home/j0ker21m/public_html/store/admin/thumbs.php on line 67


Warning: opendir(DIR_FS_CATALOGDIR_WS_IMAGES): failed to open dir: No such file or directory in /home/j0ker21m/public_html/store/admin/thumbs.php on line 70


Warning: readdir(): supplied argument is not a valid Directory resource in /home/j0ker21m/public_html/store/admin/thumbs.php on line 72


Warning: closedir(): supplied argument is not a valid Directory resource in /home/j0ker21m/public_html/store/admin/thumbs.php on line 91


any suggestions on what I did wrong?



When I tell it to echo DIR_FS_CATALOG, the result is DIR_FS_CATALOG instead of the actual catalog directory. SOmewhere these values were never called into this function. I tried to do this:


IT DID get rid of all the errors and the "echo DIR_FS_CATALOG resulted in the actual directory. However the page was then blank.


I'm all out of suggestions for this and all other thumbnail galleries. Ive tried them all and none of them have worked so far. I know it has to be something I'm overlooking. Its almost enough for me to delete OSC from my website.


Does anyone have any suggestions? Or even better, if anyone would like to try to install this onto a fresh vanilla install, I'll give them FTP, and username and passwords to my admin section. This install should only take about 10 mins for someone who knows what they are doing, but I have spent days on it.


email me at support@daggerdepot if you would like to try a crack at it.

  • 6 months later...

Hmm. I had this working with my original host, and just copied the whole thing over (changing the configure file, etc.) The odd thing is, everything seems to work perfectly out of the box except the thumbnails.


No directory is created, no images get resized, it seems to just be using the original html resize. GD is working, I'm using jpegs, permissions are set... hmm... curious.


I think I'll try it on someone else's server and try to make out what the difference is.

  • 2 years later...

I just tried installing the OTF Thumbnailer, but I get the following error when I try to run the SQL file:

# Create the config group to hold the settings on their own admin page

INSERT INTO configuration_group

SET configuration_group_id =100,

configuration_group_title = 'Thumbnails',

configuration_group_description = '\'On the Fly\' Auto Thumbnailer configuration settings',

sort_order = '5',

visible = "1"


can anyone help please?

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