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How to make domain name work with index.php


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Hello again,


I need help with the index files.

How do I let www.rm-enterprise.net bring me to www.rm-enterprise.net/shop ?


I've tried few ways but does not seem to work.


Any help?


BTW, can anyone give me some feedback on my store at www.rm-enterprise.net/shop ?


It's not completely done, still need a few fixes hurr and thurr..but hopefully it looks less oscommerce-ish....


Thanks all

"Sometimes doing the right thing isn't doing the right thing"


you need to include /shop in your config files.

Your online success is Paramount.


I assume what you are saying is that when you go to:




you actually get




You can do this a few ways. One is to setup redirects in either your .htaccess file or through an html page. Another way is to install or copy osc into the root. Search engines do not like redirects so doing it this way would be better if you can. Just copy the files/directories to your root directory and then edit the configure.php files appropriately.


I use this code as the index.html on a lot of my shops




<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">


<script language="javascript">



window.location="www.rm-enterprise.net/shop /";








Probably not the best way to do it, but keeps my customers coming






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