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register_globals - security issue?


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I was told by one of my hosting guys that register_globals is being phased out by PHP, and that it could potentially be a security risk if enabled. Can you guys give me your fix on this?


Couldn't believe how easy it was to install this thing - I've done many carts and this was a breeze! Ok One more question tho - need to change the look drastically. Am very familiar with stylesheets and all that, but is there one file that sort of contains the "guts" of the general layout of the cart? Thanks all!!!


Brooke W

Always a newbie in training ;)


Just a note: I did find a thread on this forum in reference to being able to fix the register_global in the .htaccess file - but I'd still like to know if ya'll feel that if it is enabled server-wide if this is still a big security risk.




but is there one file that sort of contains the "guts" of the general layout of the cart?


No! You will have to install one of the following contributions: Simple Template System (STS) or Basic Template System (BTS)





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