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animated gif won't work


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I was trying to make this animated gif work in my header.php and can't seem to get it to work. Can someone help me figure this out. I'mm not sure of the code the make an animated gif work correctly.


here's the code I used that didn't work:

<td align="right"><img src="../images/banners/visamcamexanimated.gif" width="45" height="28" border="0">


here's the contrib:





do you have this installed with a link and does the cell have a closing </td> tag

No longer giving free advice. Please place deposit in meter slot provided.  Individual: [=] SME: [==] Corporation: [===]
If deposit does not fit one of the slots provided then you are asking too much! :P

Is your Osc dated try Phoenix  raising oscommerce from the ashes.


I'm not sure what you mean by "installed with a link".


Here's the code for it:

?><title>A+ Computers Online</title>

<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

? <tr class="header">

? ? <td valign="middle"><?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT) . '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'oscommerce.gif', 'osCommerce') . '</a>'; ?></td>

? ? <td align="right"><a href='http://aplus-computersonline.com/catalog/index.php?manufacturers_id=16; '><img src="../images/corp-logo_1_1_61.gif" border="0" width="198" height="57" alt="Creative Labs Audio Devices" /></a>

? ? <td align="right"><a href='http://aplus-computersonline.com/catalog/index.php?manufacturers_id=12; '><img src="../images/genuineinteldealer.bmp" border="0" width="130" height="57" alt="Intel Processors" /></a>

? ? <td align="right"><a href='http://aplus-computersonline.com/catalog/index.php?manufacturers_id=11; '><img src="../images/amd.JPG" border="0" width="154" height="57" alt="AMD Processors" /></a>

? ? <td align="right"><a href='http://aplus-computersonline.com/catalog/index.php?manufacturers_id=29; '><img src="../images/upleft_logo.gif" border="0" width="183" height="57" alt="Linksys Networking Solutions" /></a>

? ? <td align="right"><a href='http://aplus-computersonline.com/catalog/shipping.php'><img src="../images/mail/ups.gif" border="0" width="45" height="57" alt="A+ UPS Shipping information" /></a>

? ? <td align="right"><img src="../images/banners/visamcamexanimated.gif" width="45" height="28" border="0">? ?

<!--td align="right" valign="bottom"><?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_ACCOUNT, '', 'SSL') . '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'header_account.gif', HEADER_TITLE_MY_ACCOUNT) . '</a>  <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_SHOPPING_CART) . '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'header_cart.gif', HEADER_TITLE_CART_CONTENTS) . '</a>  <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_SHIPPING, '', 'SSL') . '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'header_checkout.gif', HEADER_TITLE_CHECKOUT) . '</a>'; ?>  </td-->

? </tr>



I see that you have a lot of open <td> tags but that you do not use closing </td> tags. I also notice that you use html rather than php i.e. img src instead of tep_image

No longer giving free advice. Please place deposit in meter slot provided.  Individual: [=] SME: [==] Corporation: [===]
If deposit does not fit one of the slots provided then you are asking too much! :P

Is your Osc dated try Phoenix  raising oscommerce from the ashes.


So how should I correct this? Just add the </td> at the end of each line? and use the tep_image for my img sources? I use DWeaver and I just drag and rop the picture into the code which then generates the code for you.




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