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Email Troubles


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I can no longer receive any email sent for any of the osCommerce forms (e.g. contact us, forgot account password or email to customer).


At the end of May, I experimented with the "Contact Us" form and the "Forgot Account Password" form. I could submit these forms and receive an email repsonse. For the Contact Us form, I would receive the email addressed to the store owner as entered in the control panel. For the Forgot Account Password for, I would receive the new password email that was sent to my email address in my "customer" profile.


Three or four days ago, I decided to try the forms again. However, this time, I did not receive any email replies. To my knowledge, I have not made any changes involving emails sent from osCommerce. I have not made any changes to my email filtering.


My host has investigated and cannot find anything wrong. As a matter of fact, if the email address in the control panel is changed to support@myhost, my host can receive email from my contact us form. So, that would tend to indicate that there might be a change/problem with my email address.


However, I have checked the email addresses listed in the control panel. They are correct. They are the same email addresses I used earlier and have been untouched. I can send and receive emails to those addresses using my normal email program. If I can send and receive emails using my email program and the email address listed in the control panel ([email protected]), why can't I receive the message from the contact us form when the email address in the control panel is also [email protected]?


To me, being able to receive email using my email program for the same email addresses in the control panel would seem to indicate that the problem might be somewhere within osCommerce. However, since my host can receive the contact us form email when his email address is used, this would seem to indicate that there is something wrong with my email addresses (ie filtering).


Any ideas?

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Thanks, Mibble.


I think I discovered that the problem is with my ISP.


I tried listing an email address from a differnt ISP in the control panel. I then tried submitting a "contact us" form. I was able to receive the email.


Therefore, since I can receive osCommerce form generated email using the alternative ISP but not when I use my primary ISP, it appears that my primary ISP is blocking/filtering emails sent from the various osCommerce forms. The strange thing is that when I use my primary ISP with my email program I am able to send and receive emails using the same email addresses used in the osCommerce forms. But when using my primary ISP, I am unable to receive emails that are generated by osCommerce forms (e.g. contact us).


Why can I receive emails directly when they are sent from an email program but not when they are sent from an osCommerce form? Why is osCommerce form generated email blocked?

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